
aka the Bekir


Jubarians are proud and inventive people, and most prevalent in Sultanate of Jubar and its closest areas. The term "Jubarian" is used to describe both people who have been born in and lives in Jubar but is also used to simply refer to the most dominant ethnic group, sometimes also called the bekirs.

Bekirs are so widespread, especially among the highborn, and so influential that the name is rarely used by outsiders at all and only used in internal politics. Bekirs divide into several smaller groups, and other ethnic groups share the area of Jubar as well, but all of them are influenced by the bekir. Bekirs also drive the idea that they are the "true jubarians", whose practices other groups should assimilate to.

So for the sake of simplicity, in this article, we refer to the bekir as simply jubarians.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Women of jubarian decent are not traditionally called by their name, but by epithet which usually has something to do with their heritage, order of birth, their position, their job or their looks and habits.

Traditionally, the birth name of a woman is considered a private matter, and it is only shared with closest friends and family, and revealing a woman's name in public without her consent is considered a violation of her privacy. Thus woman sharing their birth name with a person is considered somewhat of an intimate act and a sign of affection, platonic or otherwise depending on the situation. Young men know that the lady is answering their affections when she is allowing him to know and call her by her birth name.

Lower people are on the social ladder, more likely this mystique of birth name is going to affect them. Some women, despite their class, might even purposefully make their name known as an act of defiance for the male-dominated culture.

Read more about name traditions and usages here.

Feminine name examples
Asli, Sibel, Ceyhun, Eylul, Calis, Semiye, Nevra, Beye, Ela, Ece, Ferah, Aycan, Ummi, Serra

Masculine names

Young boys, similarly to women, often are called with epithets instead of birth names, until they reach the age of 12. At this point, their birth name is used publicly as a sign of maturity, though in some cases careful families might give a boy a second, public name which is used instead of a birth name.

Read more about name traditions and usages here.

Masculine name examples
Hasbi, Hamit, Sezgin, Koray, Cihan, Kormaz, Erenay, Burak, Azmi, Atay, Ekim, Asil, Savun, Ergi

Unisex names

Not all names in jubarian tradition are gender-specific. Some softer-sounding names can be used as birth names for both sexes.

Read more about name traditions and usages here.

Unisex name examples
Ayhan, Cemre, Derya, Elif, Celik, Zeyno, Fidan

Family names

In jubarian tradition, a family name is always taken from the father's side and proceeded with the patronym. These names follow the person's first name or epithet depending on the situation. Family names come from honourable ancestors that started their own families.

Read more about name traditions and usages here.

Other names

Patronyms come from the name of the father of a person, and are used as "middle names". If the father is unknown or has performed dishonour to be struck out of the family, the name of a grandfather or closest male relative is used on the side of the family that is known/claiming the person.

For example, a man named Metin, son of Haluk from the Kar family would be called Metin Haluk Kar.

Read more about naming traditions and usages here.


Major language groups and dialects

As a predominately human, jubarians speak common. Among the divine scholars, those best versed in secret knowledge might also know Draconic and Celestel.

Culture and cultural heritage

Jubarians belong to the cultural Erdokaal-family, and are currently considered the most driving people among them.

Work in progress

Shared customary codes and values

Work in progress

Average technological level

Work in progress

Common Dress code

Work in progress

Art & Architecture

Work in progress

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Work in progress

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Work in progress

Coming of Age Rites

Work in progress

Funerary and Memorial customs

Work in progress

Common Taboos

Work in progress

Common Myths and Legends

Work in progress


Beauty Ideals

Work in progress

Gender Ideals

Work in progress

Courtship Ideals

Work in progress

Relationship Ideals

Work in progress

Major organizations

Work in progress

Alternative names
Parent ethnicities
Diverged ethnicities
Encompassed species
Related Locations


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