Lady Eilibi's Mechanical Circus

Inspired by Summercamp 2020 prompt

"Gentlemen and gentlewomen, please, gather around! Come, come and see the miraculous spectaculus that is the merriment of Lady Eilibi's Mechanical Circus!"

— Lady Eilibi

It requires quite a bit of effort to find a carriage as strange and wonderful as Lady Eilibi's Mechanical Circus. This stupendous contraption brings joy and wonders for anyone who sees it, not to mention what it is to see this spectacular cart in action during one of Lady Eilibi's performances.

The gnomish lady Eilibi and joined with her kenku assistant Chimer offer fantastic entertainment with this metallic carriage, which easily turns in to a stage not that dissimilar to one use on a puppet show. This magnificent cart includes several contraptions used to make the most entertaining shows ever seen in North Velkas. They are famous far and wide, and often coveted guests.

Built into the carriage, there is a pipe organ that when required functions as a music box fueled by the moving wheels. The carriage also includes a flock of metallic birds one can play melodies with, 12 distinct mechanical, brass-made humanoid puppets and several animal ones (including dog, cat, bear, fox, bunny, horse and a squirrel), smokebox, pyrotechnics, moving backdrop for shows, firecrackers, dresser, several costumes, instruments, teapot, unicycle, jars of magical powders, books, scrolls, mandolin, harp, violin, backscratcher, collection of tin whistles and many many more things.

The vehicle is very famous in the cities around the Kingdom of Vilender and Askevel, bringing spectacular shows for the denizens of the region. Sometimes Lady also can be booked to perform on local events, though mostly they move with their own schedule, staying up to 2 weeks in one place at the time.

This clockwork contraption requires at least 2 horses to make it even move, but as it rolls around on the streets the sight is definitely worth seeing.

One of a kind
4.7 m
2 m
~ 2800 kg
Complement / Crew
2 horses (Aristocat and Lobster) + Eibili & Chimer


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Aug 3, 2020 15:16 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

The name Lobster is literally the best name for a horse I've ever heard.   I love the idea of a circus run by a gnome and a kenku. That sounds like a recipe for shenanigans.