Scrapper Myry
Myry is one of the scrappers of Netehdrez's scrapyard, collecting odds and ends and scavenging the forgotten treasures among the junk around the city. Foul mouthed but keen eyed, Myry does her best to survive.
Family Ties
Unfortunately, Myry doesn't know much about her parentage. Her mother vanished when she was little, and Myry isn't sure if something happened to her or did she just abandon her. She grew up with other slum kids by taken care of the local community, and thus doesn't really have a family to call her own.
In her early thirties, Myry attempted career as a prostitute, but didn't find the work would fit her. She did end up pregnant though, and gave birth to her son, Magrith. Myry ended up keeping the boy and has done her best to keep him alive.