Relente Whisperstep

Lord Relente Whisperstep

Firstborn of Jan'shinaca Whisperstep, Relente is a talented singer and dancer. He has devoted his life to worship Eilistraee as expected in his family and has just recently been but on marriage market by his family.

Physical Description

Body Features

Relente is a very handsome young man, with dark amethyst purple skin and moon-white hair kept relatively long and tied to a knot. During his service in the clergy of the Dark Dancer, he has gotten a build of a muscular, yet elegant dancer, that gives him a lot of positive attention from the ladies.

Mental characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics

"Confident, but polite" is how many women of his surroundings would tell you, when asking about the character of Relente. Relente has learned to be submissive in the way drow men are expected, without questioning things too much, while simultaneously being bright enough to give the ladies something to entertain themselves with. His thoughts are rarely too deep, but conversation with him is pleasant and sometimes even insightful, though insight is more likely from the observations that his conversation partner does thanks to his words than from meaning of those words.

While capable of smarts, Relente doesn't usually bother, as smarts tend to be undesirable and wasted in a man. He rather agrees and focuses on other people's thoughts than forms strong opinions. It doesn't mean he hasn't any, as Relente is also quite compassionate.

Morality & Philosophy

Relente has a good heart, and offers his compassion gladly, as he sees it as something expected of him by his goddess. While this empathy is mostly well-intended, it can occasionally be a bit shallow, as young Relente hasn't quite thought his ideas through himself. He has bad habit to be a bit of a sheep.


Family Ties

Religious Views

As a son of a clerical family, Telente has grown strong in faith, and appreciative to Eilistraee's word. He has sometimes a hard time to tell apart the voice of the goddess from the voice of the church, and the matron council that up keeps it.


Relente Whisperstep


Towards Luainisstra Starcall


Luainisstra Starcall


Towards Relente Whisperstep


Date of Birth
16th of Feb
Year of Birth
3942 AoS 105 Years old
Milky white
Moon white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark ametyst
165 cm (average)
60 kg (buff)
Aligned Organization


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