
Translifts are quartz-based devices made primarily of translif quartz. They can be used to transport anyone or anything from one fixed point to another. In this way they are very versatile, however they are difficult to create and maintain. Translifts require very specific mentus and craftsmanship and become more complex the larger they are, or the greater the distance between the two points. Two-way translifts, which are two connected points that can transport in either direction are common but far more complex than a one way translift. The complexity increases exponentially if they are multipoint translifts; which involve a single translift chamber that can connect to multiple points.   Though translifts are still widely used throughout the world, in many areas the need for translifts have been replaced by quickening which is more versatile and flexible since translifts can be difficult and expensive to maintain and can only connect fixed points. However, despite the rise of quickening, translifts still serve very important functions and unlike quickening, a translift is not hindered by quartz in any way.  


Translifts were first conceived in 1286 PM, as one of the first significant breakthroughs in mentus engineering and quartzsmithing. After the renascence era of the epouranals teaching mentus and adimus abilities to the masses, scientists started studying the abilities in earnest and were especially fascinated by how they interacted with quartz. As a result, the first fifteen hundred years of the PM era were a time of explosive growth and discovery in the brand new fields of mentus science, mentus engineering, and quartzsmithing. Humans, elves, and dwarves worked tirelessly together to test the limits of mentus and quartz to discover what was possible.   The town of Kepersmith in the mountains of the northern continent (now known as the Lumarian Mountains) made the most advancements. In the heart of the mountain, they had access to an abundance of various types of quartz to test, including one special type of quartz that would be known as translif quartz. In addition, the current Lumio Epouranal Mage, High Mage Oscar Bortanson, lived in that town as he had been one of the many miners living their before becoming chosen to bear the mantle of epouranal. Oscar’s newfound spiritual insight combined with the scientists and engineers allowed them to make multiple breakthroughs including the creation of the first translift, named after the primary quartz that went into making them.   At first, translifts were small devices that could fit ten to twelve people at most, and could only transport in one way, but the technology was steadily improved on all throughout the PM era. Despite war driving the races apart, human and elven scientists and engineers still maintained tenuous lines of communication when it came to advances that could benefit everyone. Translifts were such an important tool for transportation that even dwarves participated in the advancement of the technology, albeit only through the elven nation of Ellenon.   Translift technology hit its peak in the early 31st century PM when massive, worldwide, multi-point translifts started being built to help connect cities and nations around the world. By the time Fantasmal Mountain was being renovated in the early TS era, quartzsmiths were able to install an extremely complex translift network within the mountain remains in use even into modern times, though it has been upgraded over the centuries.   Though quickening’s rise in the TS era did see some worldwide translift networks fall out of favor, translifts remained a highly useful and reliable transportation tool and new ones are still being built. However, improvements on translift technology has been virtually stagnant since the end of the TS era as scientists feel the technology has been fully optimized.  

Translift Design

The primary component of a translift, and what makes it function, is the use of translif quartz. Translif is unique in that the quartz can form a dimensional bond with any other quartz. Once activated, the translif will dimensionally move to the quartz its bonded with. With the help of embedded mentus, the quartz can move anything that’s physically touching it or anything within a fixed area around it. This phenomenon forms the core principle behind translift caves.   Translifts are typically constructed inside a quartz cave, boulder quartz being the most common, though several other types of quartz will work equally well. A psudo-cave can be used in place of a real one but requires the entire area be covered in a thick layer of quartz. Both the sending and receiving caves have to be relatively the same size with the same amount of quartz (though not necessarily the same type). In the sending cave a specially made quartz poll, called the sending poll, extends from the floor to the ceiling of the cave and is fixed in place so that it cannot be moved. In the receiving cave, a special quartz tablet, known as the receiving stone, is embedded in the floor of the cave.   When the sending poll is activated, by striking it, everything within the cave is dimensionally shifted to the receiving stone, except for the rod itself which is not only physically fixed in place but dimensionally fixed by embedded mentus. This allows the translift to operate without the sending rod being moved to the quartz its bonded with. Two way translifts have both a sending rod and receiving stone in each cave, and multipoint translifts have multiple sending rods and receiving stones, all which must be fixed in place to keep them from accidently being transported.   Because of the complex nature of translifts, they must be constantly maintained and tuned, or else the dimensional bonds may weaken or the translift might malfunction causing the sending rods to be shifted out of place. Translifts are created and maintained by professional quartzsmiths.  

Translift Networks

A translift network usually refers to a series of interconnected translifts. This can be done with several one way or two-way translift caves all grouped together or with multipoint translifts. The defining feature of a translift network is that every connected point in the translift network can reach every other connected point.   However, in some instances most points are reachable, but some may be restricted from certain areas due to security or privacy reasons. A special type of translift-network, known as the ‘wheel-and-spoke’ is a network where multiple one or two-way translifts are all connected to one central point.   Translift networks are in use in a variety of situations and some of the largest and most complex translift networks are found within Fantasmal Mountain.  
Intracity Translift Networks
These are usually found in large, well-established cities, especially independent cities. An intracity translift network would usually be comprised of four to eight connected points, allowing people to get around the city with relative ease and walk the remainder of the way to their destination. These translift networks may be free or require payment to use, depending on the governing body of the city and how they pay for translift maintenance.  
Intranational Translift Networks
These are usually found in small, well-established countries. If a country only has less than twenty major cities, they may maintain an intranational translift network to allow its citizens to easily travel from place to place. However, the larger the country, the more connected points that need to be established and it may become impractical. A wheel-and-spoke network may be sued to connect cities to the capital or the country may forgo translifts altogether, choosing to employ a quickener network, or no government managed transportation at all.  
Wide Area Translift Networks
Similar to intracity or intranational networks, wide area translift networks connect points within a large established area and are usually maintained by the domains that benefit from the network. An example of this would be a series of small mining towns creating a translift network to send goods to the outside world. A major problem with these types of networks is that as domains come and go either due to war o r towns naturally dying, the networks can fall into disrepair. In addition, wide area translifts fell out of fashion as quickening became more popular.   Some examples of current wide area networks include:   Lost Plains Network – A wheel-and-spoke network maintained by the Fantasmal Government as an emergency transport system for those who are lost in the plains   Crystal Sands Network – One of many endeavors to unite the small towns of the Crystal Sands Desert. This network was created hundreds of years ago but is no longer regularly used or maintained since almost all of the towns involved in its creation are dead towns, have moved, or have had a change in leadership/government.  
Other Large Translift Networks
Fantasmal Mountain Network – Probably the largest and most complicated multi-point translift network, it connects the Fantasmal Libraries, residency, and governance. Fantasmal Forces Deployment Network – A private, well-guarded network used to deploy hundreds to thousands of troops to select places across the world. This is a wheel-and-spoke network with Fantasmal Mountain’s underground fort as the central point. The locations that this network connects to are a well guarded secret.   Order of Nature Translift Network – A secret network used by the Order of Nature that connects there preserves and other key locations around the world.
Quartz-Based Items & Tech
Invented 1286 TS
Inventor(s) Kepersmith Engineers
Primary Quartz Translif
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