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Empress Haliyesan

Haliyesan Nerimi

Haliyesan Nerimi is the current Empress of the Hurani Empire. Much-loved and much-feared, she is simultaneously a fixture of the Hurani court and above it all.  


Once the quiet and composed daughter of the Nerimi family, Haliyesan Nerimi was married to the Emperor of the Hurani Empire at the age of 19. Before becoming the Empress of Huran, Haliyesan spent her early life in the port city of Anaram with her parents and five younger siblings. As a member of Huran's nobility, she was raised to be poised and graceful, a paragon of manners and virtue. In particular, Haliyesan trained to manage her family's affairs from an early age and was often praised for being particularly levelheaded and intelligent, earning the admiration of the Hurani nobility.
During the new year celebration in her 17th year, Haliyesan was taken to the capital with her parents for the first time, where she first met the new Emperor. Finding common ground in their political ideology and grounded personalities, the two set up a correspondance over the following year, eventually culminating in a formal request from the Emperor to House Nerimi asking for Haliyesan's hand in marriage. After a one-year engagement, Haliyesan was finally crowned Empress of Huran.  


About a year into her reign, the Hurani court unexpectedly witnessed their new Empress undergo a complete change in temperament. Startling even her friends and family, Empress Haliyesan began to show a more vivacious and extravagant side of herself. Gone was the woman who would sit in serene silence and thoughtfully consider every word before speaking it. In her place was a strangely nonchalant individual that was seemingly only concerned with her own amusement and pleasures. She began to spend more and more time relaxing with her friends in the court rather than seeing to her duties, going on spontaneous outings, and redecorating every inch of her wing of the palace.     When asked about the drastic shift in her personality, Empress Haliyesan would simply smile placidly and say that she was the same as she'd always been. Her closest cousin, who would later be assigned as her personal informer and investigator, was one of the few people privy to her thoughts at the time and quickly discovered that this new Haliyesan was not an act put up by the Empress. In fact, neither was her earlier composed conduct. Rather, Haliyesan had discovered for the first time what it was to be powerful and spoiled, and she was quite determined to live life to the fullest and reward herself for almost two decades spent pleasing others rather than herself. And reward herself she still does, constantly, unendingly, and extravagantly.     On the heels of this abrupt change in the Empress' character, she once again stunned the Hurani court by brazenly forming her own military force and spy network, independent from the rest of the imperial family and comprised entirely of members of her own family in every position of authority. While many protested this decision, Empress Haliyesan was able to eventually brush past the court's objections and have her way. Since its formation, the Empress' Army has grown into a formidable force and has made the Empress possibly the most powerful individual in all of the Empire. Most of the Hurani court now fears her, both due to her immense power and unpredictability. Seemingly changeable and enigmatic, with unknowable motivations, Empress Haliyesan remains mostly removed from politics on the surface, but her influence can be seen in every aspect of the Hurani court. Behind the scenes, she holds all the power she has painstakingly built for herself, and she waits.
Hazel, upturned and hooded
Long, wavy and smooth, black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
162 cm
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations


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