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Sickeningly sweet

In Huran, sugar is a rare- and distrusted- condiment that is often avoided due to its supposed effects on one's character. A common Hurani myth holds that sugar heightens one's emotions and turns them savage and foolish. This belief stems from prejudiced views of Yatham, which is the largest producer of sugar on the continent. Yathami cuisine heavily utilises sugar, as opposed to the Hurani, who find it distastefully sweet and mainly sweeten their food using honey. As a result, sugary food is now associated with Yatham, with all that implies.

Historical Basis

The people of Yatham are known in Huran as weak, overly emotional, lacking both ambition and sensibility. As Huran's northern neighbour, there is a long history of conflict between the two countries. Today, the people of Yatham are considered second-class citizens even within their own country and are only hired as servants and labourers in Huran. Most importantly, they also remain among the few that do not follow Inar's monotheistic religion. As such, the Hurani view them as uncivilised, uneducated, and ignorant.

As sugar is not native to Huran, it was first introduced by Yathami merchants before the founding of the Hurani Empire but was not popular due to the ongoing war with Yatham. Once the Empire was founded, Yatham became the weakest member, its people seen as inferior to the rest of the Empire. This disdainful attitude toward Yatham is reflected in the Hurani refusal to adopt most aspects of their culture, including Yathami cuisine, which tends to be rather sweet. Most Yathami food tends to be flavoured with sugar, even foods that are typically eaten savoury in other cultures, such as soups and salads. As a result, sugar has been associated with Yatham in the eyes of the Hurani and is believed to turn people stupid and fragile.
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Aug 21, 2024 02:55

That is one way to have a distrust of a person with a sweet tooth.

May you forever find your way on the journey you set out on and make yourself greater.
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Aug 21, 2024 08:26

Mhm, can't trust those sweet-eating weirdos. Absolutely sickening.

Aug 24, 2024 04:04

Well, it's probably a healthy belief, but... I pity those poor guys whose soups aren't sweet T_T   That said, I love how you are telling so much about two different cultures and their relation with a single myth about something that so many of us use without a thought.

Aug 24, 2024 18:03

Thank you! Unfortunately, looks like prejudiced Hurani live longer lol :D

Aug 25, 2024 02:01

But they can't have good desserts! Ha!