
Vizerian is an ethnic group unique to the world of Vizeria. The term is used to describe anyone born to one of the Vizerian Tribes on the world. Vizerians themselves rarely use such a term.   The Term Vizerian was first coined by the Athocists. Upon discovering the world, the Athocist delegate made it to Confluence, the capital, and learned that the people there called the world Vizeria, apparently meaning "The unknown form". This name was unique to the Confluence tribes and was not widely used by other tribes. The planet was therefore named Vizeria on official starmaps, and inhabitants of the planet became known as Vizerians.   Most inhabitants of the world did not appreciate this distinction. Many people were confused as to why one tribe was allowed to name the whole world, as the word Vizerian was not in almost any dialect or language. Furthermore, Vizeria was very diverse and divided. The northern and polar tribes had nothing in common with the plains or plateau tribes, who were also distinct from those around confluence. The word Vizerian seemed very generalised for a planet without means of rapid transportation and communication. Nevertheless the word stuck, for lack of a better, unified word. This quirk of broad categorisation underlined perceptions on the Vizerian people. For example, many in the Athocist empire liken the Vizerian language to whistles and wind in trees, and many brag of having heard its melodic tones during the pacification. In reality, there is no such thing as the Vizerian language, with over 9,600 tribal languages recorded as of the pacification.   The Vizerian culture is, generally, extinct. Following the pacification of Vizeria, the planet was rendered inhospitable, most of the pre-war population lay dead, and the survivors were scattered across Mercia. High estimates put the number of survivors in the tens of thousands, low estimates put the number in the high hundreds. This cultural death is now present in songs and literature, with many lamenting the destruction of the ancient warrior culture, as well as the spiritual death of the cultures religions. The word "Vizerian" is a by-word for any warrior culture that puts emphasis on strength and community values. The word has also now become a misnomer of kinds. Historically, the planet was seen as unconquerable, and so the term was used to describe insurmountable and impossible challenges. Now, in the face of a somewhat successful conquest, the term now describes previously assumed to be impossible challenges, or tasks which require great personal effort and sacrafice    In a way, where before the pacification there was no such thing as a true "Vizerian", the conflict has created a shared cultural identity for the survivors. Most survivors are not of the same tribe, do not share a native language, and do not adhere to the same religious or cultural practices, but both lived and fought and survived through the Athocist invasion, and as such now see themselves as "Vizerians" of sorts.

Naming Traditions

Family names

Childs name to be given at birth, subsequent name changes to be granted at milestones and achievements in the individuals life


Beauty Ideals

Vizerians pride warrior culture over all else. Scars and marks are indicative of great bravery in the face of combat, but the unblemished face of a warrior was seen as ideal, showing an individual who could walk through combat unscathed

Gender Ideals

Men were traditionally hunters and warriors, whereas women farmers, cultural scholars, and keepers of the law. Women were also expected to hunt and fight if the men could not.

Courtship Ideals

The tribe as a whole decided when an individual had earned the right to a partner, and the partner chosen by a mutual decision, this was often confirmed by an offering to the gods for good fortune.

Relationship Ideals

Both partners expected to be strong and independent, strong contributors to the community, and capable carers for children
"The Confluence Vizerian word for Athocist is roughly translated as 'Omenslayer', whatever that means."  - Klarion Fulbeck, current handler of Hexhunter Subject XIII