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    This city is a moderate size place that is surrounded by hills on one side and a desert on the other. This has made Allgarry a place where mining is a way of life. Earning wealth by getting your hands dirty is very respected and where risk-taking is a religion. The people here work hard and live hard. It is common for ambitious youths from other cities to make their way to Allgarry to try and make their fortune. It is surrounded by many smaller villages and towns that all take direction and protection from Allgarry.   The Council is composed of the representatives of the bigger mining companies along with two representatives for the miners and two for the people who are not directly working for or as miners. In total, there is 7 members, some elected, others appointed.   Hierarchy of the city is as such:  
  • The Mining Guild Council
  • The Retired or Elderly
  • Everyone Else

Historical Notes of Interest:

  • 300 hundred years ago, the city had a massive rebellion and over through its tyrant lord, replacing his rule with what is the closest representation of democracy in Amanada, where the city and its surrounding areas are overseen by a council.
  • 20 years ago a devastating earthquake hit the city and its surrounding area. Many were killed as they were trapped or crushed in the collapsing mines. They are still digging out some of these mines today whereas others have been declared too dangerous.

Places of Interest:

  Official Places:
  • The Guild Hall
  • The Cracked Earth Memorial
  • The Hallowed Hills
  • Death Valley
  • Miners Docks
  • The Scar
  • Betty's Bar
  • The Iron Strike
  • Golden Vein
  • The Silent Canary

Notable People:

  • Ara Onner
  • Rey Vill
  • Cob Kai
  • Ching Lers
  • Karnich Fice
  • Perst Anif
  • Pace Orce
  • Sage Profen Ight
  • Betty
  • Russell Eeds

Other Points of Interest:

  • A person is judged by the calluses on their hands. If you have none, expect to be perceived as useless or lazy.
  • Magic is considered the lazy person's way, leaving magic users to having little respect in the area.
  • Trying to shake someone's hand while wearing a glove is akin to telling them go fuck themselves and is very disrespectfully.

Current Leadership:

  • The Honorable: Ara Onner, appointed by The Iron Strike 
  • The Honorable: Rey Vill, appointed by Golden Vein 
  • The Honorable: Cob Kai, appointed by The Silent Canary 
  • The Honorable: Ching Lers, duly elected miners representative of the north. 
  • The Honorable: Karnich Fice, duly elected miners representative of the south.
  • The Honorable: Perst Anif, duly elected representative of the non miner populace 
  • The Honorable: Pace Orce, duly elected representative of the non mining business coalition. 

Known Conflicts:

  • The area can be very conflict driven and political internally, but they will all band together when faced with any kind of outside interference. 
  • They do much business with Vicouver, making use of their shipping and exporting companies. However, it is whispered that this is a very strained relationship due to Vicouver once having claimed Allgarry as one of it's protectorates. 


  • It is considered rude and a mark of being untrustworthy if you turn down an offer of a free drink
  • They hold a strong person contest every year where all mining operations cease to operate. This contest is a very big deal and many people come to compete both local and from other city states. Each mining company will usually fund one or two "champions". The whole thing ends in a big party 
  • There is a long and honoured tradition of storytelling. Much of their local history and legends are told each night at a local pub or tavern or around the hearth of a fire in one's home. 
  • When a youth reaches their maturity they are sent out into the dessert or up into the mountains for 48 hours to walk and test themselves against the elements. 





  • Most Populous Races: Gnomes, Goblins, Kobolds, Dwarfs, Humans, Desert Elves.
  • Median Age: 100
  • Median Income: 5000 gp per years
  • Average Cost of Living: 15gp per day


  • Most common: Fassic
  • Second most common: The Blind Lady
  • Third most common: Vicany


  • Most common Trades: Mining, Smithing, Storytelling, Tavern ownership.
  • Percentage of Employed: 85%
  • Percentage of Unemployed: 2%

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