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  • The Amanada Continent
    This continent is inhabited by a number of city states and small kingdoms. This has led to many rivalries and wars and it has become quite fashionable to to name one's self "King" when taking charge of a small section of the continent.   Warlords and bandit kings are found throughout the continent even when they do not over see a city of their own and more than one ruler has ambitions to take more land for themselves with the eventual goal of being self crowned king of kings OR as some prefer Emperor.   Most cities are located on one of the coasts making seafaring a large part of their history, industry and identity. Other large industries are Mining and agriculture.   Each City State has its own culture and identity, ethics and customs. There are some blending of these things between them due to so many of the cities coming under different leadership over the centuries and as territories pass between different city state ownership regularly.   Most of the City States are run by small dynasty's, although there are a few exceptions such as Allgary which is run by a coalition of Mining Guilds.