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  This is the religious capital of Merdra. A holy and sacred city that no other of the city states would ever even consider attacking. Most of the religions have their main place of worship in the city, with a few exceptions. This is a place that is safe to worship who you wish to worship and how you wish to worship them. This has lead to a very interesting set of laws and morality. If you can prove your actions were a legitimate act of worship, you can get away with almost anything. That being said proving that is easier said than done. For the most part, the city is a peaceful one with little unexpected violence. 
  Almost every second week, some big event is happening in the name of one god or another. This has made the city a festive one. It is very common for people to make pilgrimages to the city for some event or another in the hopes of finding favour with a chosen god. So the population is a mix of locals, pilgrims and tourists. 
  There is no one ruler of the city. Instead, the head of each active religion has a seat on a council. This council plans events, overseers judgments, and creates laws. 

Historical Notes of Interest:

    • The city was built by the gods four thousand years ago and is the oldest city in existence.
    • Some time after its creation, the date is not clear, the city became a focal point for Macnus's plan to kill all the gods. The city was razed to the ground and everyone killed in it. The city was lost for a few centuries falling into ruin, a victim of nature and elements. It was eventually found by an archeologist by the name of Indie Ynna. In the decades that followed, mortals reclaimed the city and rebuilt it. It was from this point forward that any child born in the city was born as either a tiefling or an aasimar.
    • Two thousand years ago, the Nameless one declared war on the city and spent the next 500 years terrorising it. It took the combined forces of the clerics and paladins along with the help of a few of the other gods to put an end to the Nameless one's mischief and destruction. This lead to the creation of a holy artifact that was used to defeat the Nameless one in a one-on-one combat in what essentially was a game of chance between the top paladin of the Grey Lady and The Nameless one themself in the form of a duel. The Paladin won, and The Nameless One happily left declaring they were getting bored anyway. They have not returned to the city since.
    • Three hundred years ago, the Holy Council were all assassinated on the same night. To this day this is an enduring mystery.


Places of Interest:

    • The Celestial Senat (where the holy council sits)
    • Each of the main places of worship for each God.
    • The Cathedral of Religious Knowledge

    • Each God has a section of the city that has been created for them. This is where you will find their main place of worship and where their clergy lives. The size of the area ebbs and wanes with the god's power. 

  There is no independent business, as all industry is owned and operated by the religions and their clergy.

Notable People:


Other Points of Interest:

Current Leadership:

The Holy Council

Known Conflicts:

No known conflicts at the moment







Most Populous Races: Asimar and Tieflings  Median Age: 75 Median Income: N/A Average Cost of Living:  N/A  


Most common: Always in flux Second most common: Always in flux Third most common: Always in flux  


Most common Trades: Working for a god Percentage of Employed: 0% Percentage of Unemployed: 100%

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