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Demelza Dark

Professor Demelza - Dark

Basic known history:

  • Nothing is known about her childhood. it is like she did not exist. 
  • At the age of 13 she joined The Aberdeen Legion Military Academy on a scholarship. She was three years younger than any other first year recruit.
  • After four years, she passed top of her class only to disappear for 30 years afterwards.
  • Around 25 years ago she published a book on the science of magic. With in which was a number of new spells. This booked rocked the wizarding and magic world and threw Demelza into the spotlight of the magic community.
  • 10 years ago she joined the staff of the Arcanum University and 5 years ago she became head of her department. 


  • She has some kind of connections to the criminal world
  • She murdered the son of  Lord Aberdeen. The head of The Aberdeen Legion. 
  • That she is dabbling in a very evil magic.
  • That she is married but she stabbed him to death when they got to the "you may kiss the bride" part and he tried to kiss her.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Demelza is a woman of dramatic coloring and temperament. Dark red hair, pale alabaster skin and dark green eyes might be the first thing a person notices. It's the scar starting in her hairline down into her right eyebrow, stopping, then continuing under her right eye across her cheek to her right ear lobe that a person's eye has a tendency to gravitate to and stay. Standing just short of 5' no one would call Demelza an intimidating figure. Even if her perpetual scowl would try to make you think otherwise.

Body Features

Although short she has an hourglass figure and is what some would call “voluptuous” she is slender but soft toned.

Facial Features

Pale ivory skin tone (prone to sunburns) covered in light toned freckles (which get darker with a greater exposure to the sun). She has a long scar that reaches down from her forehead across her eyebrow, stops at her eye, then continues down her cheek splitting like a fork in the road. One line going to the middle of her cheek the other to the bottom of her ear lobe.

Identifying Characteristics

Her Dark Red Hair & The Scar On Her Face

Physical quirks

She is a pretty cryer. In contradiction to her practical almost militant appearance is the way in which she walks, moves and generally carries herself. So it is a little startling the sheer level of grace and elegance to be found in her movement, as if she spent years learning to dance, which in essence she did.

Apparel & Accessories

Her colors of choice are black and brown and simple, never anything fancy or frilly or even particularly stylish. She keeps herself neat and practical in her appearance at all times.   Her hair is rarely worn down and she will spend the most time in the morning getting it up into a semi elaborate braided updo that is more practical than attractive.

Mental characteristics


It is a well known fact for those who attend the Arcanum University that touching or getting too close to this professor will likely end at the end of her sharp tongue.  More than one student even reporting that she threatened to "cut them" if they ever touched her again.  There is rumours she is or was once married to a very large male dragonborn paladin.


She was trained as a wizard in the school of bladesining in the renowned dessert military academy,  The Aberdeen Legion.


She now works for the Arcanum University as the head of their arcane science department.

Accomplishments & Achievements

She is the only new wizard in decades to be able to create fully working new spells. This has made her a member of a very small group of people alive today who can create spells.

Failures & Embarrassments

She has not been able to past the test to become a Arch Mage. This has lead to her being looked down on by a number of her peers.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes


  • Animals
  • Children and babies
  • DareDevil acts
  • Pranks(trolling)
  • Books
  • Math and logic puzzles
  • Arcane Science


  • Being touched
  • Seeing women or children enslaved / imprisoned/ abused
  • People who seem too nice and friendly. It's like they feel entitled to her trust without having bothered to try and earn it.

Vices & Personality flaws

An Angry Demeanour

(aka small dog syndrome) She rarely has anything but a scowl on her face. She goes out of her way to seem unapproachable and unfriendly. And if someone seems to miss those signals she will resort to her sharp tongue and angry tone to drive a person off.


Family Ties

There is a painting on her desk of six red haired and bronze skinned adults who have a very strong resemblance to each other and Demelza along with a few unusual features that one would describe as 'draconic'.  There is also a second painting of her and a very nondescript man.  They have their arms around each other and are smiling. The third and last painting is that of a bronze dragon born holding a massive sword.

Religious Views

She is pretty apathetic to the gods for the most part. At the best they are meddlesome or absent, at worst they are overpowered annoyances.

Social Aptitude

She doesn't come off as particularly social apt, but one will also get the impression she doesn't care how others perceive her.

Hobbies & Pets

She has a pet displacer beast.

Wealth & Financial state

She lives in a good part of town and clearly owns a number of magical items.
Current Status
Head of Arcane Sciences department, at the Arcanum University
Current Location

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