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  Awatto is the oldest and largest City State on Amanada. It recently changed Dynasty roughly 30 years ago. This city is known for its bureaucracy and military. They have a government branch for everything. It is also famous for its police force that has over the past decade revolutionized investigative methods by breaking through a long-held taboo of desecrating corpses.   The city is also a bastion for anyone who practices sciences, be they arcane, alchemical or engineering. This is due in no small part to a number of well established and highly respected schools that are found in the city.   The hierarchy of the city is as such:
  • Royal Family
  • Government Heads (these are appointed by the king)
  • Nobility (this means land owners)
  • Scholars/Government workers
  • Military/Police
  • Artisans/Craftsmen
  • Merchants/ Business owners
  • General Labour
  • Poor

Historical Notes of Interest:

  • The late Crown Prince of the Rylic Dynasty is blamed for killing the high Cleric of Oman but no charges are brought against him or investigation takes place as the royal family protects him. This moment is credited for the start of the rebellion that followed five years latter. It is well accepted it was the last straw in a long string of abuse of powers by the royal family.
  • The last Dynasty was overthrown in a rebellion led by General Pierson 30 years ago. Most of the family was killed during the take over, the only survivors today are the late king's granddaughter who is presently in exile.
  • 10 years ago the city is ravaged and terrorized by the Wildflower Killer. A wizard serial killer who was only caught due to a police officer and a medical doctor going rogue and breaking rules surrounding how corpses are handled.
  • 5 years ago the armistice was almost ended and a small battle ensued over who would take over the conservatorship of Saskatoba from Ronto. This conflict was only ended because Ronto stepped in and helped negotiate a peace deal which ensured Ronto's continued conservatorship of Saskatoba for another 50 years.

Places of Interest:

Official Places
  • The Red Palace (and its grounds which includes the government buildings),
  • The Arcanum University,
  • Awatto University,
  • The University of Math and Engineering (AKA UMA),
  • Academy of Sciences,
  • The Bytown Docks,
  • The Night Market,
  • The Porcelain Wall,
  • The Back Door,
  • Saks,
  • The Shop of Necessity

Notable People:

  • King Savric Pierson,
  • Crown Prince Brae Pierson,
  • Her Royal Highness Princess Railne Pierson,
  • The High Minister: Odium Lantis,
  • The Minister of Justice: Beau Unir,
  • The Minister of War: Cistus Ragos,
  • Detective Mular Lathos,
  • Dr. So Tone,
  • High Cleric Caron Tulor,
  • High Cleric Ulti Sket,
  • High Cleric Ylic Miers,
  • The self proclaimed Merchant King Uscel Kain,

Other Points of Interest:

  • There has been a rash of crimes happening lately in the city as a new gang seems to be trying to set itself up. This has lead to not only more robberies and racketeering but also fights breaking out between the newcomers and the already established gangs in the city.
  • In the center of the city is a massive green space known as the Green Belt. This place is open to the public and holds pockets of forests, parks, a few petting zoos, and two amphitheaters.
  • When visiting the city, it is recommended that you try one of the many street vendors selling a type of fried dough that is tossed in cinnamon and sugar and topped off with a squeeze of lemon. This desert known as a Killaloe Sunrise is hard to find outside of Awatto and is a real treat.

Current Leadership:

  • King Savic Pierson of the Peirson Dynasty
  • Crown Prince: Brae Pierson is the heir apparent

Known Conflicts:

  • Awatto has been in an armistice with Vicouver for the past 20 years now.
  • Has recently sent forces to Sud due to rumours of a rebellion brewing.
Included Locations
Characters in Location


  • When a king or queen dies for any reason other than old age all citizens of the city will open their doors and lay a place for the dead monarch at their table in the hopes that the soul of the monarch will wander in on it's way to the afterlife. The hope is that they can convince the monarch to return to their body and continue their rule. They say you can tell a monarch had a bad or good reign by how many of the city's doors is left open when they die.
  • It is the custom to give a coin to a stranger once a day (this is often given to someone in the service industry). This stems from the belief that the Deity of fortune and chance likes to wander the city in human guise and by giving them a coin you will be granted good luck for the day.
  • It is consider in bad taste to do business with someone you have not been to a sauna with. This has lead to many spa's and saunas' having private rooms where many deals are made.
  • Green hats are considered an omen of bad luck if worn in the month of warmth.
  • Most houses keep cream and cookies out in the hopes to attract a benevolent fey refuge to their home to live. The idea is that a home with one of these fay in residence will receive protection and perks. If you do end up with a fey tenant you must keep putting out the cream and cookies or else the fey could turn bad and then your household will suffer calamity and bad luck.


  • It is believed that Awatto was built over a fairy ring and this has lead to fey spirits occasionally slipping into the city to live now refuges from their home. Some of these spirits are benevolent and others not so much. This is a localized phenomenon. It is believed that the ring is still intact hidden somewhere on the palace grounds. Although others have theorized the ring is actually somewhere in the area of the night market as many unusual events have a tendency to take place there.
  • There has been a long held belief that if you do anything to harm the body of a dead one that their soul will forever be trapped between life and death. Neither able to go to their final resting place OR reclaim their body to live again. This belief has become eroded over the last ten years but is still held by many.
  • It is said that if you walk the Bytown Docks in the light of a red moon the ghost of a copper dragon may be found and that she is a great conversationalist.




  • Most Populous Races: Human, Elven, Orc, Goblin
  • Median Age: 150 years of age
  • Median Income: 1000 gp per household a year
  • Average Cost of Living: 2gp per day


  • Most common: Wizzen The God of Integrity, Virtue and Good Governance
  • Second most common: The Blind Lady is the goddess of justice, law and light
  • Third most common: Tiana The Deity of Fate, Chance, Good Fortune and lost causes


  • Most common Trades: Mercantile trade (imports and exports), Service Industry, Government workers, Tourism and Military
  • Percentage of Employed: 70%
  • Percentage of Unemployed: 6%

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