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Kroy Aveanly's Hometown


  A small rural town outside Awatto. People here mostly hunt, forage, fish and farm. They supply high end restaurants and specialty markets in Awatto with fresh farm to table and wild foods. The town is somewhat of a rural paradise. Outside its main industries, it is notable for two things: a large park outside town dedicated to Floren where a raucous festival to him and his consort Drugen is held every midsummer eve. And a too large for the town library of the arcane that is the legacy of a rich wizard who retired there.
  Hierarchy of the city is as such:
  • Awatto's resident governor have final say and veto power over all loval legislation
  • Local government is run by a democratically elected mayor (on a four year cycle) who leads the Town Council and appoionts the Reserve Guard Captain
  • Nine elected council members (on a two year cycle) vote on town issues and make decisions as the Town Council
  • The Reserve Guard holds no official political power and answers to the council but their support is often key to winning an election.


Historical Notes of Interest:

    • 104 years ago a great flood destroyed a lot of farm fields and homes on one side of the city. It left the town hurting financially.
    • It was a few years after this that the arcane library was established by Arabelle Ranoth in hopes it would help bring researching scholars from Awatto to the town and generate some revenue.


Places of Interest:

  Official Places:
    • Town Hall - Center of local government and headquarters of the reserve guard.
    • The Ranoth Arcane Library - A library of arcane knowledge donated by Arabelle Ranoth 100 years ago. She was a resident of Awatto who retired and after the flood hoped that donating her library would help bring prosperity to the recovering town. The library is housed in her palatial estate, a large sprawling building on the outskirts of town. Aveanly’s father Immeral Galanodel works here.

    • Floren’s Fields Park - A large park of rolling hills outside town. On midsummer eve a raucous festival to Floren and Drugen is held here with a huge bonfire and merrymaking of all sorts.

    • Wild Foods Market - A large local farmer’s market set up three times in the Fields of Floren. Here the local food stuffs are sold to wholesale and consumers. It is the center of the town’s social life as well and people go to meet up and chat just as much as to buy and sell.

  Notable People:
    • Mayor Johnathan Flynn - (Human) He has been mayor for just on 20 years now. He keeps getting re elected every 4 years and usually runs unopposed. He is a good town leader for a place where nothing much happens and people don’t care too much about politics.
    • Reserve Guard Captain Hypolata Grey - (Half-elf) Leader of the reserve guard. She was recently appointed by the mayor when her predecessor stepped down. It is traditional to appoint the longest serving member of the guard. Mayor Flynn followed this tradition.
    • Aveanly’s family

  Other Points of Interest:

Current Leadership:

  Mayor Johnathan Flynn (facing reelection unopposed this year)

Known Conflicts:

  •  None


  • Everyone attends the yearly midsummer bonfire.
  • It is said if you do not have someone to kiss when the fire is lit on midsummer eve you will be unlucky in love the whole year through.
  • At the market barkers try hard to outdo each other, grabbing the most attention. Many people with a theatrical flair or strange talent work mornings for a vendor at the market. It is customary to tip barkers that make you smile or laugh.
  • It is customary for school children around 12 to be taken on a week long summer trip to Awatto to see the big city. This is designed to expose children to other ways of thinking and being. As a result it is not uncommon for young people to go off to attend university in Awatto.



  • Most Populous Races: Human, Elf, Half elf
  • Median Age: 150 years of age
  • Median Income: 800 gp per household per year
  • Average Cost of Living: 1 gp a day
  • Most common: Floren God of Plants, Animals, Balance & Weather
  • Second most common: Drugen Goddess of Earth, Fertility & Harvest
  • Third most common: Wizzen God of Integrity, Virtue & Good Governance
  • Most common Trades: Hunting, foraging, farming
  • Percentage of Employed:49%
  • Percentage of Unemployed:8%
  • Percentage of Homesteaders: 43%

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