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Welcome to Meridian, a campaign world for adventure. Here you can find the frameworks for all the parts of the world that I have fleshed out. I hope that this will also be a collaborative work, with players helping to define some of the world within the framework. If you are a player making a character for a Meridian campaign, make sure to read the Home Rules   Meridian is both like our world and very different, familiar and alien. Dominating the Eastern horizon of Meridian, and visible even during the day, Olympus is the one constant in the lives of Meridian's inhabitants. Each culture of Meridian holds that Olympus is the home of the gods (whichever gods they be). Even though it goes through daily phases, Olympus never waivers on the horizon. However, Meridian's moons, Rubor and Cobor, are anything but constant. Both of the moons go though changes in either phase or apparent size that are plainly observable in a single night and sometimes even in a matter of hours. While these phases are rapid, astronomers discovered the pattern they each follow ages ago.   The current age has seen a steady advancement of civilization on Meridian. Though most of the world remains a wilderness where dire beasts and monsters lurk, cities and settlements have slowly pushed the wilderness back. The present state of the world is also one of unprecedented cooperation between the cultures on the continent of Illyria. Driven mainly by a reaction to the uniting of the Dragonborn clans into a single Scarran Empire and their conquest of several Orc tribes. That is not to say that all is peaceful on Illyria...

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