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Home Rules - Read and HEED!

Rulebooks Used

* = only specific options
  • Player’s Handbook
  • Dungeon Master’s Guide
  • Monster Manual
  • Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide*
  • Volo’s Guide to Monsters*
  • Xanathar’s Guide to Everything*
  • Guildmaster’s Guide to Ravinca (Loxodon race only)

Playable Races and Subraces

* = see home rules for additional details
  • Human*
  • Halfling (Lightfoot, Stout)
  • Loxodon
  • Dwarf (Hill, Mountain)
  • Elf (Arctic*, High, Wood)
  • Half-Elf
  • Half-Orc
  • Dragonborn
  • Tabaxi
  Arctic Elf Traits
  • Physical Appearance – Arctic Elves have pale complexions, silver, grey, or light blond hair, and blue, or hazel eyes. They are also in general shorter than other Elvish subraces, averaging only 5’ 6” tall.
  • Elf Weapon Training – Arctic Elves are proficient with Long Bows, Short Bows, Spears, Javelins, and Nets.
  • Cold Affinity – Arctic Elves are naturally acclimated to the cold; capable of tolerating temperatures up to -50 degrees. They are also resistant to cold damage.
  • Snow Walk – Arctic Elves do not consider any snowy, icy surface, or arctic terrain as a difficult terrain
  Human Traits
  • Skill Versatility – You gain proficiency in any combination of two skills, tools, or languages of your choice.
  • Skill Mastery – You gain expertise in one skill. While using this skill, apply double your proficiency bonus. This skill must be one in which you gained proficiency from your race, background, or first level class.

Available Classes

  • Artificer
  • Barbarian
  • Bard
  • Blood Hunter
  • Cleric
  • Druid
  • Fighter
  • Monk
  • Paladin
  • Ranger (Revised)
  • Rogue
  • Sorcerer
  • Warlock
  • Wizard

Available Backgrounds

  • Acolyte
  • Charlatan
  • City Watch/Investigator
  • Clan Crafter
  • Cloistered Scholar
  • Courtier
  • Criminal / Spy
  • Entertainer / Gladiator
  • Faction Agent
  • Far Traveler
  • Folk Hero
  • Guild Artisan / Guild Merchant
  • Hermit
  • Inheritor
  • Knight of the Order
  • Mercenary Veteran
  • Noble / Knight
  • Outlander
  • Sage
  • Sailor / Pirate
  • Soldier
  • Urban Bounty Hunter
  • Urchin

Modified Ability Score Bonuses

In order to reduce the impact that Race has on ability score optimization, Characters will now receive ability score bonuses from a combination of race, class, and background during the character creation process. However, these bonuses may not be combined to give more that +2 to a single attribute. These bonuses completely replace the standard bonuses from race.   Racial Bonuses +1 to…
  • Dragonborn: Str
  • Dwarf (Mountain): Con and Str
  • Dwarf (Hill): Con
  • Elf (all): Dex
  • Half-Elf: Dex
  • Halfling (all): Dex
  • Half-Orc: Str
  • Human:
  • Loxodon: Con
  • Tabaxi: Dex
Class Bonuses +1 to one of…
  • Artificer: Con, Int
  • Barbarian: Con, Dex, Str
  • Bard: Any
  • Blood Hunter: Dex, Str, Wis
  • Cleric: Dex, Str, Wis
  • Druid: Cha, Str, Wis
  • Fighter: Con, Dex, Int, Str
  • Monk: Con, Dex, Str, Wis
  • Paladin: Cha, Con, Dex, Str
  • Ranger: Con, Dex, Str, Wis
  • Rogue: Any
  • Sorcerer: Cha, Con, Dex
  • Warlock: Cha, Con, Dex, Str
  • Wizard: Con, Dex, Int
Background Bonuses +1 to one of…
  • Acolyte: Int, Wis
  • Charlatan: Cha, Dex
  • City Watch/Investigator: Int, Str, Wis
  • Clan Crafter: Int, Wis
  • Cloistered Scholar: Int, Wis
  • Courtier: Cha, Wis
  • Criminal / Spy: Cha, Dex
  • Entertainer / Gladiator: Cha, Dex
  • Faction Agent: Cha, Int, Wis
  • Far Traveler: Cha, Wis
  • Folk Hero: Cha, Wis
  • Guild Artisan / Merchant: Cha, Wis
  • Hermit: Int, Wis
  • Inheritor: Int, Wis
  • Knight of the Order: Cha, Int
  • Mercenary Veteran: Cha, Str
  • Noble / Knight: Cha, Int
  • Outlander: Str, Wis
  • Sage: Int, Wis
  • Sailor / Pirate: Str, Wis
  • Soldier: Cha, Str
  • Urban Bounty Hunter: Cha, Dex, Wis
  • Urchin: Cha, Dex

Learning Languages

In practice, learning a multitude of languages is more challenging than depicted in normal D&D rules. As I want to reflect this and make reading more of a challenge, I will be using a different system. Language proficiency no longer grants full ability to read and write a given language. Instead, each language has separate proficiency for its Spoken form (speaking and understanding) and its Written form (reading and writing). In addition, some languages have multiple dialects, which require additional proficiencies to fully master. Acquiring either Spoken or Written proficiency in a language with multiple dialects automatically grants proficiency in on of its dialects. However, having both Spoken and Written proficiency in a language does not grant and additional dialect proficiency. To acquire more than one dialect proficiency in a language requires allocating one language proficiency for each additional dialect.   For example, for the cost of one language proficiency a character could gain proficiency in Glossa (Spoken) and proficiency in the Selatan dialect for free and so would record proficiency in Glossa (Spoken, [Selatan]) on the character sheet. For one additional language proficiency the character could learn to write Glossa, granting Glossa (Spoken & Written, [Selatan]), but would still only be proficient in the Selatan dialect. Alternatively, the character could spend that second language proficiency to gain another dialect; Glossa (Spoken, [Selatan, Utaran]).   Effects of Dialect Proficiencies: Having Spoken or Written proficiency in a language grants the ability to understand basic concepts in that language, regardless of the dialect encountered, but there is a greater chance for misinterpretation if not also proficient in that dialect. Also, the chance for misinterpretation increases with the complexity of the concepts being communicated.   Starting Language Proficiencies: All characters will start with TWO language proficiencies. Normally these should be languages spoken in the region from where the character originated. In addition, if the character's Intelligence bonus is positive at first level, the character gains an equal number of language proficiencies. Changes in Intelligence score during play (from items or any other effects) do not grant additional language proficiencies. Racial and background abilities may grant additional language proficiencies.  

Speed Modifiers

Modifiers to a character's speed should be applied in the following order:
  1. Apply all effects that grant a base speed of any type. If more than one effect grants the same type of speed (i.e. a flying speed), chose one and only one to apply.
  2. Apply any effects that increase your speed by a fixed amount. Any number of such effects may apply.
  3. Apply at most one effect that multiplies your speed. If multiple effects would multiply your speed, chose one and only one to apply.

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