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Yaqao Tribe

The Yaqao Tribe is at the center of the political landscape of the desert tribes. Though there are numerous different tribes, and that number changes yearly, few have as many resources, people, and influence as the Yaqao tribe.    

Surge of Power

The founding of the tribe was not extraordinary. It was a family clan, that slowly built up the resources of the desert. How the tribe became powerful came through a few chance births and encounters. The tribe at first glance had a higher percentage of its children who were able to conduct magic. They blessed this on the goddess, Haya, who the tribes believe to be the main goddess in the world.   Through the daughters and sons that were born of these potent natural magics, they were able to form powerful alliances with the other minor tribes, eventually surrounding themselves with enough allies to make a push towards becoming the major tribe, or Tlato.   The Yaqao tribe and its alliances with five other tribes made the first truly powerful tribe the The Quemada Desert had seen in some time.    


There are few major resources that the people who dwell in the burned desert use religiously: People, Water, and Kamoetil . The Yaqao Tribe has all three is spades.   People: The tribe numbers 45,000 in total, with at least 30,000 in its riding warriors. Between the five alliances with minor tribes, this brings its total to an army of 55,000 able bodied men and women who can ride and fight for the tribe.   Water: Having this many people requires a lot of additional food and water. The Yaqao Tribe, through its many people, have strategically mapped out where the water is, and in times of need has enough people of magical skill and ability to supplement the cost of survival. In addition to that, they have and many brilliant minds create skiffs that act as water collectors. Through the job-based system of government, the people have become a living aqueduct system, providing water to many in need, only straightening their claim to power.   Kamoetil: The beautiful purple stone of the desert, Kamoetil, provides the energy needed for the groups to collect water magically, and to power their skiffs. The stone often marks the symbol of power to the desert tribes, as those with Kamoetil can power skiffs to cross the dunes, and can bring the moisture to them.  


The Yaqao Tribe has a single leader, their Tlatiolon, who makes all final decisions. He is surrounded by the following people:   The Semiolon, the lead spiritual guider. They often serve as the leader of the faith around Haya.   The Texiolon, the lead architect. They are the one who designs the skiffs, aqueduct system, and the operations of running a society in the desert.   The Siniolon, the lead guide. They know the lay of the Quemada desert and map its ever changing dunes and valleys.   Once the Yaqao Tribe became the Tlato of the desert, the Tlatiolon started keeping advisors from the five supporting tribes to keep their allegiance and reward them for being trusted allies.  


  The five tribes that are allied under the rule of the Yaqao Tribe are the Nahui, Palao, Clatai, Mennia, and Ixua.  


  Of the 20+ other tribes that exist in the space of the Quemada desert, the enemy to the Yaqao Tribal Alliance is the Cancasa tribal Alliance. Though half the size, the tribe has been known to steep down and utilize guerrilla war tactics to hurt the Yaqao.


  • Quemada Desert


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