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09. The Burning Man

Lady Ezma's performance had concluded, and it was nothing short of breathtaking. People cheered and applauded as the dark elf bowed, and she then invited another performer to take the stage to keep the music carrying across the Siren's Call. From one of the rear parts of the building, companions entered the fray and started chatting to wide-eyed and smiling customers whilst the serving girls continued to fill cups.   Upon on the mezzanine floor, Gilles took the opportunity to approach the booth where Trg's Mer had been watching the performance from. A body guard stopped Gilles first and checked if Mama would see him, and she saw no harm in talking to a man of the cloth. Gilles was courteous at first but found the woman intractable.   He lied that he was here under the authority under a cross venture between the Soulguard and the Witch Hunters, insisting that Bergand's shop be open. When Gilles claimed that it had been a great lure for people of interest to both organisations, Mama became appalled, fearing that this would bring problems to her town shop and more people being burned at the stake. With this in mind, she was even more against the idea of the shop opening, indeed she would make sure it was permanently closed. Gilles' smile fell from his face and threatened the Mer that he was acting under authority of the Grand Marshall, the leader of Republic, yet Mama seemed to doubt this. Gilles promised her with no stern words that he would return shortly with a formal document proving his authority and demand her action. He promptly left the Siren's Call.
Whilst this was happening, Surina clambered up on the stage, her determination striking any uncomfortableness from her. She suddenly yelled across the hubbub of the patrons that she would pay for any information regarding the man recently burned at the stake or the wanted heretic known as Plain Martin. The crowds were suddenly quiet and a few moments of awkwardness pass until Lady Ezma ushered the dragonborn off the stage, telling her she would help him at no charge. The music started again once more and the merriment resumed.   Bal'Aur joined the conversation and heard Lady Ezma provide clear instructions on the whereabouts of Smithik's home, where he had been put to death by the Witch Huntress and the Soulguard. She also added that she had taken the wife and the two children into her care during this difficult time. As the conversation concluded, she enquired about their compatriot, the half-elf, noting she may know his father.   Surina then turned to leave the Siren's Call and Bal'Aur hurried to catch up with her, telling Eberond on their way out that the dark elf had enquired about him and knew something about his father. Eberond chose not to follow the dragonborn and half orc and instead approached Lady Ezma. After a brief introduction, the dark elf asked to hear more of Eberond's story, if he had the time. The half elf felt a compulsion to speak to her and find more about his father, and so she led him to the rear part of the Siren's Call, away from the patrons and inside her locked office.   The office had dark walls yet lamps provided a pleasant ambient light. Shelves held many books which were evidently rare and expensive. Some framed art hung from the walls, including portraits depicting strange people in strange clothes. In the centre was a dark crimson desk of mahogany and Lady Ezma bid Eberond to sit. She poured him a glass of a dark liqueur and Eberond began to recall his life to her.


Gilles rushed off back through the docks and passed the Well, and reached Bergand's shop. He knocked loudly on the side door and was met by annoyed shouting from a few neighbours. Bergand's head popped into view from a window above and upon seeing the cleric, rushed down stairs. The latches were unlocked, the door opened and Gilles stormed in. He told the shop keep he needed parchment and ink, immediately.
Somewhat confused, Bergand complied, taking a few moments to search the devastation of a mess that was his shop. To Gilles’ surprise, the man quickly found what was asked for. Gilles scribbled onto the paper and then uttered strange words, his fingers twisting with arcane movements. The paper gently glowed and the script morphed and swirled, much to the curious amazement of the shop keep. When the letters ceased to move, the shopkeep recognised what the parchment now was and said to Gilles that if things went wrong, this could not only make him lose his shop forever, but his life.
Gilles waved dismissively, assuring the man all would work out well and that his shop would reopen shortly.   Meanwhile, Surina and Bal'Aur followed Lady Ezma's directions towards Smithik’s home, and this led them back through the old part of Trg and Tahlie's. On the way they were checked by two watchmen but as the adventurers carried the correct paperwork and no weapons or armour, were promptly left alone. They continued and the buildings began to be sparser. The night was clear and dark, contrasting the stars and the Prophets, the partial planar disc that orbited Merra.

The duo finally arrived at Smithik's home. It was a humble dwelling with vegetable gardens surrounding its front. No light came from the building but Bal'Aur's eyes, keen by the gift of his orc heritage, saw that they had the curtains shut but also shuttered from the inside. They carefully circled around the house and reached the pig pen where charred timber and Smithink's burnt remains lay. The smell of charred meat still clung to the air here.   Surina then approached the front door but found it to be securely barred from the inside.
The two decided to track back to the rear and enter the dwelling through one of the windows. Surina hefted the window with force, and despite her attempts to be quiet, the window came open with a loud crack. Shrugging their shoulders they both peered inside the window and found a woman's face staring at them angrily. The woman asked if they were breaking into her house. The adventures replied that they were here investigating her husband's death and sought to find the man known as Plain Martin. Evidently, they forgot that Lady Ezma had told them just a short while ago that she had taken in Smithik's wife and his two children and suddenly were surrounded by a group of men. Judging by their armed attire and posture, they didn't look all too pleasant.   The shortest one, a goblin with a belt of spoons around his waist asked them what they were doing. Bal'Aur noticed that the goblin had a peculiar necklace, with the lace threading dried, shrivelled eyeballs. As the adventurers started to explain themselves, a gnome standing next to the goblin whispered something in his ear.
Surina and Bal'Aur realised that this gnome was the very same one that they had briefly met at Tahlie’s that Eberond had chased after.   Another compatriot of the goblin was a dwarf, who also now quietly mentioned something to the diminutive greenskin. The goblin gave the adventures a wicked smile and asked them if they would bring their half-elf friend, for they were interested in talking to him. The adventures said they would, on the condition that they brought Plain Martin, surmising these group of “interesting individuals" were somehow connected, and that they meet somewhere out of town. The goblin agreed, and set the meeting place at the Barren Tree at midnight, a place a short distance south of Trg. They then allowed the two adventurers to leave.   Gilles now sought to return to see Mama, but on his way bumped into Surina and Bal’Aur. Briefly they explained the situation to him, and Gilles put his forged document into his pouch – he would have to wait a little while longer before he could make the Mer give in to his demands.   Eberond left the Siren’s Call, his discussion with Lady Ezma concluded, at least for now. He walked the streets in thoughtfulness. He had heard how his mother had arrived in Trg during one of her wanderings and met his father in Trg. She was a drow and he a human mariner – Eberond’s pale skin reflected his father whilst his body that of his drow mother.
His recollection of his mother had been a dark spot in his mind's eye, he had left his home at a very young age. Stirred by the discussion, he now recalled that she was indeed drow but her face was still blank. Whilst he had only known her as Mother, he had now found out that her name was Eternia, a powerful person on Sunder Isle.
As for his father whom he never met, he had been told by Mother that he had died in a hunting accident, yet Lady Ezma claimed that he had left Eternia shortly after Eberond’s birth and was said to have sailed to the Dark East, the lands where no one returns from.   He arrived Ralf’s home, and he found his other three compatriots waiting, though Brutalithops was still nowhere to be seen. The trio briefed Eberond on their planned meeting with some odd fellows at the Barren Tre. Eberond realised it was time to tell them a bit more about his past and revealed to them that they were the Silver Fangs, a group of bandits he had worked for a number of years with.   As they picked up their gear and left Trg, they were stopped by Captain Yvich, who noted their armoured attire. He warned them not too bring any trouble back to Trg and to clean their weapons before returning.   On the way to the Barren Tree, Eberond spoke about his experience with the Silver Fangs and their history of terrible crimes, including the wholesale murder of a farmstead. Furthermore, he had been betrayed by them during a job and had been nearly killed by Slyblade, an experienced Silver Fang. There were a few decent people in the gang, Eberond noted, including the dwarf known as Orm. At least, he thought they were before being betrayed.

By the Barren Tree

It was past midnight when they arrived near the Barren Tree. The surrounding area was mostly a field of long grass, dried by the summer sun. The massive oak tree stood alone and threateningly, reaching towards the night sky. Most of its dead branches were snapped off by the elements and it was hollowed out by rot a long time ago, providing an ample space inside of the trunk. The Silver Fangs had lit some torches in front of the tree and waited. Though most of the members milled around the hollowed entrance, a few of the bandits wandered around the back of the tree.

During the travel here, the adventurers had decided to ambush the Silver Fangs, and had stepped off the road once they were near enough, taking cover in the long grass. Though they could not see any cleric around the lit torches around the tree, they saw the goblin known as Spoon Eye, the dwarf named Orm, the woman Surina and Bal’Aur had met inside Smithik’s home as well as the other bandit muscle.   Eberond forged ahead, crawling through the dry grass, his keen eye sight piercing the night. One of the Silver Fangs had strayed quite far from the Barren Tree and was dealt with ease, Eberond’s short sword striking through the back of the man’s skull, killing him instantly.
The others followed as best as they could, and Surina and Bal’Aur’s heavier armour didn’t impede them in this instance.   Eberond had reached the heavy root back of the tree, just feet away from Spoon Eye but his elbow snapped a twig. Spoon Eye and a number of the Silver Fangs drew back and yelled for Eberond to reveal himself. The half-elf took this opportunity to pull a dagger and flicked it at Spoon Eye. However the goblin was extremely quick and pulled the nearby woman to block the blade, which imbedded deep into her neck. She dropped to the ground, blood pouring into her throat and lungs stifling her cries.   Realising their ambush had faltered, Bal’Aur and Surina stepped onto the road trying to draw attention, whilst Gilles remained in some proximity of the half-elf. A number of the Silver Fangs charged Surina and Bal’Aur but the rest sought Eberond. The half-elf saw one of them charging at him, madly swing his axe. A crackle of blinding light arced from Gilles’ hands and into the angry man, scorching the shoulder with radiant energy but the berserking man ignored the pain.
Spoon Eye dragged the dying body of the woman into the space inside the Barren Tree. Plain Martin was inside and started to utter a prayer. Flickers of energy reached from his hands and flowed across her mortal wound, whilst Orm loosed bolts from his crossbow at Bal’Aur.   The dragonborn paladin’s opponent didn’t survive long, as Surina called Helm’s name and her sword engulfed in radiance. The blade burnt through the bandit, before disintegrating him into little more than chunks of seared meat and cinders. She then stormed towards Orm by the tree, leaving Bal’Aur behind who was still engaged with another bandit.   The cleric wizard also found a bandit to dispose of, who had little chance as an orb weaved by Gilles’ hand shot past and dissolved into the bandit’s chest. The man’s flesh quickly turned a shade of green and bubbled as the bandit coughed and rasped. His eyes bulged as he staggered to the ground and then stopped moving, darkened blood oozing from his ears and mouth. Gilles gingerly walked on to aid Eberond who was dodging and weaving against the wild berserker.
Eberond back pedalled in the dark against the furious swings from his maddened opponent. With a stroke of luck the man stumbled over and Eberond took his chance. With two quick thrusts of his blade the man was no longer a threat.   Surina advanced purposefully, with Orm aiming his crossbow at the dragonborn. The paladin had seen some of the familiar energy from Plain Martin glow out of the Barren Tree’s hollow, and a gut feeling told him his quarry lay within and told Orm as much. The dwarf had perhaps thought that the fighting could stop, but this hope fell when Bal’Aur smashed his warhammer into another bandit, obliterating half of his head. Orm released the bolt into the half-orc and it bit deep into the calf.
Eberond now approached Orm, and when the the dwarf saw him, called him a traitor. The half-elf screamed back, yelling that it was the Silver Fangs that had betrayed Eberond.   As Surina entered the hollow of the tree, the goblin scampered and started to run for his life. The dragonborn ignored the goblin and demanded answers from Plain Martin, who simply in turn replied he was simply helping and protecting everybody.   With most of the threat cleared, Gilles. Bal’Aur and Eberond closed in on the dwarf. The woman, mostly healed from her near death encounter, started to run in a stumbling manner, trying to follow the goblin who by now had disappeared into the night.   Orm put his arms in the air, surrendering. The fighting was over.

In Cold Blood

The adventurers demanded answers, but things were not going as they expected.   Orm told Eberond that they had up until this morning thought that the half-elf was dead following the botched operation. If indeed Slyblade had betrayed the Silver Fangs and the half-elf, Orm offered to seek information on the assassin’s whereabouts. Eberond couldn’t tell if his old friend was lying, but replied that the gang had turned into murderers and this wasn’t something he had intended to be involved with. Orm shrugged, noting that they were outcasts and could do little else, but would talk to Spoon Eye and try to get the gang into be less… murderous.   Meanwhile, Surina kept pushing Plain Martin for answers. Looking at the man in the dim light from the few scattered torches didn’t reveal too much of the man, but Surina grasped the man firmly around the grimy collar, continuing to try and get the man to reveal as to why he was wanted by the Soulguard.   Gilles then asked if he could take Plain Martin for a moment, but Surina shook her head, stating she would take the wanted man to the local temple. Orm pleaded that the grubby cleric was their healer, and would be next to impossible to replace. Gilles yet again said to Surina to allow a private moment between himself and Plain Martin, yet Surina would not relent and the repeated that heretic would be under her custody until he was released to the Soul Guard.   Gilles had other ideas, and before anyone could react or realise what was happening, a bolt exploded from his hands, immolating Plain Martin into dust, just a shred of singed cloth ‘remaining in Surina’s first.   Orm sighed whilst the remaining adventures stood stunned, Plain Martin's death scream echoing across the night.

Sune 5th, 5249   Location
Trg, Eastern shores of the Republic of Dezaria  
Trg Base Map Image

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