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20. Rezmouth: The Forgotten Lake

As the villagers of Rezmouth continued to celebrate their small festival by their church, the adventurers made plans to explore what lay beneath it, after Eberond had caught a sneak peak inside a room where a passage led down somewhere.
With Catsby’s use of the Weave, he charmed the guard by the door who proceeded to let them in, though they did little to distract two of the villagers by the altar who prayed and looked on in disbelief as the adventurers disappeared into the locked room.
The small room held various items of seemingly religious value, and where the timber floor gave way to stone, a passage led deeper down.
They grabbed some torches and made their way down and found that the passage was peculiar, for judging by the sharp contours it did not appear natural.   The adventurers continue down, amazed at the depth the passage was taking them when they finally reached bottom. The torches refracted of the titanic cavern’s smooth but angled walls. Indeed, if studied carefully the contours of how the cavern was shaped did not appear logical and reverberated in one’s mind.
On the opposite side was a seemingly black wall, with strange symbols situated its corners. Across the floor of the cavern was if nothing, a less stranger sight, for a dozen or so fish men tended to their task, appearing to be making potions of some sort. They were short and stunted, with humanoid arms and legs but their fish heads merged into their bodies without a neck.
A couple of the fish men challenged the adventurers. With some quick thinking, they managed to persuade the guards that the band of heroes was here on Father Raab’s instructions.
They explored the cavern freely, given the fish men had been fooled, and grabbed a few of the potions that the fish men were making, which turned out to be potions of water breathing. Speaking to a few of the fishmen, they confirmed that they too followed the Lord of the Lake, who they called Gnjht’ur.
As for the massive black wall at the end of the strange cavern, as they neared it they realized it was water, held at bay by a magical barrier generated by the swirling signs on the cavern walls.   Looked upon by the guards, the adventurers decided to explore the water and drank the potions before.
In a few moments, their skin started to released a strange ooze and their skin turned translucent, revealing the flesh underneath. They then realized that they could not breathe the air around them and quickly jumped into the cold water, revealing that the contents of the potion did truly allow breathing in water.
Gilles’ mace, which glowed by the will of his clerical powers, provided a shining beacon in the dark waters as they swam forward. Gilles also allowed them to communicate in a limited manner using a spell he learned in Azuth’s book.
They soon emerged from the tunnel and realized that they were at the bottom of the lake by Rezmouth.   In the muck of the lake bed they noticed a series of sunken pillars which they decided to explore further. It was around this point they realized that they were not alone in the cold depths.
They felt a presence swimming just outside of their vision circling around the ancient pillars. They could feel as it probed their minds, seeking to open a telepathic link which they all ignored. Gilles instead communicated to it using the spell of Message, and the thing replied in turn. With the use of this spell, its reply was a hushed whisper in Gilles’ mind. It sought as to what their purpose was, to which Gilles replied that they sought the freedom of his friend, Florence.
The thing offered that if one of them would take on the mantle of being Chosen, it transfer this from Florence. Glles asked for a day to consider and with that the thing left them in the dark.
The adventurers decided to swim up, but laden with all their armour and equipment, it was a struggle to reach the surface and then swim to the lake shore, nearly drowning in the process.   The following morning, still somewhat exhausted by their ordeal, the adventurers made their way to the large white house where Father Raab lived. The two loitering guards passed on the father’s invitation to come inside whilst he at breakfast. Before entering, Gilles whispered to Eberond that he felt he presence of magic somewhere upstairs of the big house.
The tiefling immediately revealed that he knew about the band’s escapade, though they were not exactly sure as he knew most of the details, including the offer of being Chosen.
Interestingly, Father Raab didn’t appear upset, only disappointed in the guard that had allowed them entrance to the cavern below.
As they discussed things, Eberond asked to be excused and snuck upstairs. There were a number of rooms and he wasn’t sure where and what to look for, and as he was searching Father Raab’s study, heard that the adventurers were about to be ushered outside so left empty handed.
When they left the big house, they found a sneering Brutalihops waiting for them outside.
Rez Isle

Sune 14th and 15th, 5249AC
"The Protector, the Lord of the Lake, He accepts us for the outcasts we are. He keeps us safe from therest of the Merra that would see us imprisoned, enslaved or worse.
Then then are those who the Protectors deigns as the Chosen, and they will know ever lasting happiness., ascending to the holy temple that sits upon the Nameless Mountain. It is not for us to question our Protector, but to serve in exchange of his care and guidance."
- Father Raab

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