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6. The Clittering

From the historic volume, "Recana, The Second Age of Magic", by the Ul-Mage Cailus Blacktooth  
Written records by Ihra's bishopry, tell that during Talos 5249AC, where the effects of WInterbligth started to reveal itself, Ihra took the Goats as an audience and asked them to take on a series of three tasks. One was to find and return the mage known as Andrey Gorgi, who was under the employ of the Witch Huntress Kaziya Burnstar, with reports that they were seen recently to the north west of Dezaria, namely the rural town of Valkov and the North Garrison.
Another task was to find their way inside of the dwarven skyhold - Hyemsfrey - and obtain a list of seemingly mundane items and return them to Ihra.
The third task would only be revealed once the first two tasks were complete and would be optional. In return, Ihra would deem the Goats as her champions, provide titles of land within the region of Ozerksy, amongst other material rewards.
The Goats accepted the offer and prepared to go west.
It was during those days in Ozerksy that Catbsy managed to overcome the curse he had inflicted in Azuth's Temple following his consumption of a potion, changing his gender to female. The Arch-Bishop Vragan Petrovich II reluctantly helped the tabaxi with a Greater Restoration spell.   Xarris also undertook his own investigation, looking for Bran (or, as he was known in the Dark East, Prince Branzah Tol'Saladin). Talking to the boy Dimitri the Goats had encountered before, the boy told Xaris that Bran had left Ozerksy when Ihra had arrived in the city and the Helmites went into a shcizm. the last Dimitri saw of Bran was when the tabaxi left for the Dezarian capital, Voystok a few months ago.   The Goats then left Ozerksy and took to the west, travelling with Primrose - the soon to be Martyred Exemplar of Eldath - for a short while. On the road they were ambushed by cultists of The Lord of the Lake. It was obvious that the aboleth trapped in a lake on Rez Isle had not forgotten the Goats and tentacles of its influence spread across Dezaria, however lightly.   The written accounts of Catsby tell that Primrose's path forked from that of teh Goats, and took her took her towards the Orphan Forest, where her destiny lay, while the Goats continued west towards Valkov. Whether the Goats realised her importance or not at this particular point in time is not indicated on any record.
Catbsy's writings continues to detail the Goats' arrival and time in Valkov. They spoke to patrolling Soulguard and the local temple' s priest, who all sided with Ihra and would provide any assistance to the Goats in their mission.
In the town they found that there was some growing tension between Ihra's minions and the DezGrA (Dezarian Grand Army).
The Goats befriended some Dezarian troopers that were resting in Valkov, learning that Kaziya had been stationed in the North Garrison for three weeks and had a high degree of command given by the Grand Marshall, but the troopers did not know her purpose. She had visited Valkov a number of times, and They Goats learned that they could enter the North Garrison by taking the Marshall's Coin and become a trooper of the State. A subsequent drunken escapade with the troopers led them to meet Madam of Shadows, an friendly illusionist witch that performed in a secret theatre.
The Goats discussed between themselves two potential plans to get to Kaziya and Andrej - one was to use Madam of Shadows as bait to lure the Witch Huntress out of the protected North Garrison and to Valkov, or the Goats could lie their way into the garrison claiming their decision to join DezGrA. At this stage, they believed that taking the Marshall's Coin would be the better option, although that could lead them to becoming traitors to teh State once their mission for Ihra was complete.   It is written that Marik, the mercenary that was contracted to the Goats started to feel "off" during these days, which would soon be revealed why.
Still exploring the streets of Valkov, its populace and Goats were assailed by the first Murdertide.
A multi-hued rain heralded in the event with strange crops bursting from the cold ground in a matter of minutes. The Murdertide beacon erupted from direction of the Orphan Forest, and swept across the town, driving many to turn on their friends and kin with frenzied rage. Catsby writes that Brutalithops succumbed to this for a short while and how they also stopped a mother from murdering her own child during this event. The Goats also witnessed how Ihra's Soulguard dealt with the townsmen alike, regardless whether a denizen was afflicted or unafflicted. It is known and documented that the Soulguard's devotion, whether Ihra's or Tahir's, made them immune to the effects of Murdertide.   It is told that Marik was struck by visions, seeing Primrose enter a forgotten temple and prepare to activate it in the name of Eldath. Unfortunately, the avatar of Bhaal- once known as Eberond Il'Elaeren - had been waiting for her and in the final parts of the rites savagely murdered her. The temple activated, its crimson beacon puncturing the sky and releasing the Murdertide. Marik learned that the vision provided no warning of this event, it simply told what had just happened, which must be said is of no surprise given that the warrior-cleric's faith in Eldath was but an ember at this stage.

Marik decided to immediately travel to the temple and the rest of the Goats accompanied him. After three days travel through the winter land, they had entered a changing Orphan Forest and ultimately found the forgotten temple.
Venturing into the temple they found ancient depictions of Eldath and the events of The Incursion and the Mending.
Continuing along they they entered the heart of the temple, with the well at its centre, emitting the crimson beacon. That-which-was-once-Eberond greeted the Goats. From Catsby records, Marik had little time for anything that the Avatar of Murder had to say, and charged, with the rest of the Goats following.
The Avatar brandished the Everblade, Bhaal's unholy icon and the first weapon of murder. Teachings of Eldath tell that a green mite of Primrose's essence touched Marik during this battle.
Despite being supported by spineling fiends and brandishing the Everblade, the combined skill of Marik and the Goats overcame the murder-beast. The bloodied Avatar knelt and asked for mercy, yet Bal'Aur had none and vivisected it. The murdered corpse of the Avatar became undone and became one with the temple.   Unknowingly, this act sealed Bhaal as One of the Four. Azuth, had told some of the remaining Goats time before that a number of temples would need to be activated to awaken some of the slumbering gods. However He did not tell them how the avatars would power the temples for their ultimate purpose. These temples, powered by the soul of the Avatars, would be used to fix the Rift permanently and ascend the chosen Gods as the Four. This event would later be called by Bhaalites as The Clittering.   The Goats left to return to Valkov and continue the task of clutching Andrey Gorgi from the Witch Huntress, with the Everblade in their possession.


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