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J´Daar´Khan Xarradoris, later nicknamed Xarras, was born in a tabaxi tribe from The Eastern Continent, or the Dark East as commonly referred to.
The tribe was known for their stealth and agility and ability to survive in the wild. As a young cub, he would often sneak around the tribe´s encampment, taking small items from his fellow tribe members just for fun. He loved the thrill of getting away with something, and his natural charisma made it easy for him to talk his way out of trouble when caught. His love for taking risks and his obsession with shiny objects only intensified as he grew older.   Soon, he began to venture on his own, far from the caravan, using his stealth and agility to pickpocket from unsuspecting travelers and folk from the nearby cities/settlements. He was taught, however, to only take from those who appeared to be wealthy enough to spare a few coins. As the tribe was known to wander from time to time, moving in large caravans and wagons in seek of better fortunes and more favorable weather, both figuratively and literally speaking, his home was never in one place alone. Despite being able to see a significant part of the world in this way, it was still just one part of the world and same one at that, and Xarras´s curiosity to see larger world, to go beyond the borders of his "homeland" only grew with age. He was desperate to leave his tribe and try his own luck in the big world. Soon enough, opportunity or rather need, to do just that came, albeit not in a way he hoped and not on his terms.   He unknowingly seduced and took to bed a betrothed of one of the local princes. The said prince was furious when he found out and wanted his head, or rather to duel him, which might have been the same, considering Xarras was still very young, a mere boy of 18 years, and has only started to learn how to handle a sword. The prince vowed that if he was refused he would still chase after the boy and kill him mercilessly, but at least by fighting him in a duel, the boy had a chance to die with honor and some dignity. In order to save his hide or, more precisely said, his fur, he needed to flee the tribe - of whom many wished him gone anyway as he unintentionally tarnished the tribe´s reputation. His family was distressed at that, but they didn´t see any other option. Thus, Xarras left in a hurry before the prince´s deadline to come out and confront him, and with time found the refuge in one of the bustling cities of kingdoms in the Dark East.   Thanks to his wits, ability to learn simply and quickly just from observing, his skills with pickpocketing and his charisma to swindle and rob someone of their money and possessions whilst presenting himself under many different aliases he managed to survive on the streets for two years. Eventually, he caught the eye of the local thieves guild that took him in and honed his skills and talent for the benefit of both. But that strained alliance didn´t last long as thieves guild had its own certain rules and hierarchy and Xarras didn´t much like or care for rules and hierarchy, and liked even less so being told what to do. After three years with them he left them and their city, and soon settled in a different city, some distance away. There, in one of the local taverns, he met a tabaxi singer by the name of Laira, whom he quickly fell in love with.   Now, Xarras had a number of women and his share of heartbreaks already during his still very short lifetime, but no one has captured his heart like Laira. She had elegance, grace and confidence which mesmerized, and her singing was charming and delightful to anyone with ears. It was of no wonder she was getting fame and recognition and had many suitors and admirers already by the time Xarras met her. For half a year Xarras wooed her, spending all the money he would earn, that is to say steal or swindle, on her, determined to win her over. However, that was also the period when all his luck ran out and he lost his touch, getting caught red-handed more often times than not, and he started to accrue debts and favors with associates and acquaintances around town.
It got really bad, to the point of him sometimes starving only so he could have money for her. As luck or fate would have it just then it happened that a wealthy merchant from a nearby town was visiting again, after few months of hiatus. He was naive and of too good of a heart, altogether too easy of a target. Xarras saw him once already, but after brief time of observing the man, did not want to use the opportunity previously, like some did. This time, though, he didn´t think twice. He came up with a plan, and just as he thought he might, managed easily to swindle the guy, selling him relatively worthless junk, trinkets, baubles and such, convincing him they were magical items and promising to have more next time he comes.
The poor guy ended up spending a lot of money, and with that money Xarras was able not only to pay off his debts, but to live care-free for a short while as well. Also, Laira succumbed to his advances finally, and his luck turned around.  
  Only later did Xarras learned that the poor merchant, who must have inherited his social status from his father, soon went bankrupt, that his wife left him and that he himself got terribly ill over it all and eventually died.
However, for a while all was going well, almost too well to make sense, but then Laira got pregnant, and Xarras, terrified of settling and not fit for such an obligation as raising a child, decided to leave her. They had a fall out, but in the end managed to keep it civilized with Xarras vowing to send the portions of his earnings to support the child and the mother.   In seek of new adventures, and now more money, he left and joined a local group of mercenaries, introducing himself as J´Arai Daxio Zindel. He ended up, amongst other things, visiting the town of that merchant he so mercilessly swindled, and then learned of the merchant´s misfortune and demise. Apparently, merchant was at the time on a bad run and already in debts himself. Xarras felt enormous guilt upon learning what has transpired, not knowing how much exactly he was the cause of merchant´s demise, but knowing it must have been a great deal.
He held himself accountable and decided to give all of his money he currently held to his still living daughter, who took it together with the apology, albeit whilst still swearing profoundly at him. To this day Xarras never truly forgave himself and vowed that, no matter what his current luck may be, he will only steal from those who can (apparently) afford it henceforth.   As chance and whim would have it, even with mercenaries Xarras didn´t stick around much. After four years with them, Xarras one day came to blows with one of them and, challenging him to duel, ended up killing him in public in the city they found themselves in at the time.
The whole thing was quite a show as it turned out, and Xarras´ display with the sword caught the eye of the local noble, who pulled him aside and said he never witnessed such swordsmanship. Xarras, who up to that point used either only his nickname or one of his aliases when dealing with the world outside his tribe, took the opportunity and introduced himself as J'Daar'Khan Xarradoris, famed tabaxi swordsman, or, rather, swordsman famed among the tabaxi.
The odds of it being disproved were, after all, very unlikely, considering how far his tribe and tabaxi land was. And by that time he was indeed quite a swordsman, so no major harm done, in Xarras eyes at least.
Sure enough, taking the bait hook and all, the gullible noble offered him a job to teach his children how to handle the sword like that on the spot. And thus Xarras insinuated himself into the court and the lives of the nobles, who accepted him mostly because he was exotic, even among the courts of Dark East.   Soon, however, after a few years, during which Xarras grew increasingly bored with such a life and started again itching for new vistas and new adventures, opportunity for Xarras to both truly prove himself among the nobles and among the court and to scratch that freshly re-emerged itch presented itself. A relative of the said noble, under whose pay Xarras was, left for Dezaria and was not heard from ever since until eventually family got worried and sought to send someone to find him and return him back home. Having gained his trust and proving capable, the nobleman offered Xarras for the task. Xarras was more than glad and eager to take this opportunity and this job. And, so, a party was formed, with Xarras as one of its members, for this very purpose.   The party set out for the cursed Hels Gate, the one entrance to Dezaria, and reached it, but, as fate or luck would have it, only Xarras survived to get through the murderous maze. For months afterwards, Xarras has been searching for the trails of the tabaxi he is seeking and just as he found out that the tabaxi is in the holy City, the Steel Caller's invasion began, and Xarras sought refuge and ended up at Azuth's Temple.   The tabaxi was involved in the Siege of Azuth's Temple in Talos 5249AC, and shortly thereafter joined the part of heroes known as the Goats.
Written by Pavao V.
5218AC   Profession
Rogue, Swashbuckler   Game Figure

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