Donhuid Ethnicity in Meskou | World Anvil
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The warriors of the great Sembar desert expanse. They range greatly across Sembar, and beyond it as they make excellent mercenaries.   Their skin tone range depending on where they are found within the desert with the west having dark umbra to the west having warm cinnamon tones. The shift of tones matches that of a spectrum with people found in between having tones with hints of both. Their hair is extremely thick and durable, containing a wide range of different colours, but they are typically really dark and have low saturation. Light tones are a rarity and are treated as an omen, different ethnicities consider it a positive or negative. It is typical to see their warriors purposely going bald for easy, with some going with braids and dreadlocks. The truest beauty of these people is their eyes as they contain the intense vibrancy, colour and glimmer of gemstones. Depending on eye tones there are cultural expectations placed upon individuals, although this has mostly fallen away with all those but the ones who still wander the desert. Examples are such as emerald eyes are seen as a sign of a person being slow to let go, sapphire eyes are seen as stability, ruby is seen as someone often filled with temptation, and amber as one who is protected.  


Most of them believe that Don, the Donsel word for "Sun" blessed the land creating rays of light that collided with the darkness birthing the heavens, the stars that would be their guiding light. Once what most scholars refer to as a star dying they view it as the Djinn descending from the sky into the world, these initial Djinn sacrificed their power to build the world beneath Don's all-encompassing glow. These first Djinn became the ancestors of the Donhuid people, who named themself after their greatest ancestor with their name translating to "Sun" "People".   But the darkness itself was upset by this, for reasons that have been lost to time, but scholars theorize it was jealousy. This is where the ocean came from it wiped across the surface of the world carving out a large proportion of the lush land forming the desert of Sembar, but the Djinn who had yet to sacrifice their power used it to protect the rest of the world and its people. This is where they believe the other sentient species emerged from. However the Donsel people fought back against this darkness as warriors eventually forced it to retreat into the ocean depths, with their strength and prowess they became nomads of the desert knowing that within this sacred land, the darkness shall never be able to dwindle the glow of the sands.  

Naming Traditions

The name of a newborn is given by the Nuihuid, the tribe's priest, or of a local temple if living within a city. At any point an individual may go on a pilgrimage to obtain a new name of their choice, in the old tribal way this was a mandatory part of coming of age, to complete this pilgrimage a beast needed to be hunted as a trophy.   Nomadic societies used their tribe's names as last names, while citizens adopted surnames based on their skills and or from when marrying into civilization.


Major language groups and dialects

Few still speak Ensel, with most speaking the tongues of the province they reside in or their own language of Donsel.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

The name of a newborn is given by the Nuihuid, the tribe's priest, or of a local temple if living within a city. At any point an individual may go on a pilgrimage to obtain a new name of their choice, in the old tribal way this was a mandatory part of coming of age, to complete this pilgrimage a beast needed to be hunted as a trophy.   Nomadic societies used their tribe's names as last names, while citizens adopted surnames based on their skills and or from when marrying into civilization.


Beauty Ideals

The number of beads present in braids, and the more lavish the jewellery the better, clothes are preferably more full so it doesn't draw away from their eyes and beads.
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