Flachboon Species in Meskou | World Anvil
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Flachboon is derived from the Merani words for "Flach" & "Boon" translating to "Poison Berry", although opposed to this name it is more hallucinogenic than dangerous with it often being used in wines and baking. It is found exclusively in the Northern reaches of the known world within its lush groves within the mountain tops.     It grows upon a creeping vine that typically wraps around tree trunks, but when cultivated with agriculture a trellis is a good substitute. Along this vine are long thin leaves that hang down. These leaves are often used for dishes that excrete a lot of moisture as the leaves are great at absorbing and holding the flavor, but besides this niche use they aren't seen that commonly in cuisine.   The berries itself grow in large clusters throughout the stem with the berries often merging during growth. These berries sprout spiked hair all across it, which toxic to small critters but have a hallucinogenic effect on larger creatures. A natural counter to the hallucinogenic effect is goat's milk. For use in cooking the hair has to be removed for safe congestion.     The largest farm of this can be found in Virtuous producing the well-acclaimed Crimson Stead which has a slight hallucinogenic effect.
Geographic Distribution


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