LR-3: House of the Necrodancer Report in Meskou | World Anvil
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LR-3: House of the Necrodancer

General Summary

After patrolling the streets and bartering with the locals the group made out with a bunch of new supplies and a new objective. After finding the whereabouts of Lady Irene's home from the baron the guards turned the group away stating they needed a statement of entry. Knowing the baron was out of the town for a hunt they awaited his return at the tavern.   During this wait, they bought the inn a round of drinks and food. Someone split a key on them and being caught by Guard quickly resulted in some unknown tactics disappearing. The key was given with a letter mentioning a black box. When the baron returned they spoke with him, but after he mentioned how being blind the group feeling attacked by the statement demanded an apology. The baron feeling his honour was being disregarded refused and set off leaving the group’s table losing the opportunity to get a statement of entry.   The group enraged decided they would use the key and just attempt to break into the house using the key. They set out as night was taking over so the guards would flee on account of the Lysandus’ wraith emerging. They easily got into the house and found the whole place in dismay, the wooden floor warped from weathering, rotten food, few corpses and dust everywhere.
Report Date
21 Dec 2022


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