Irene Carnation Character in Meskou | World Anvil
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Irene Carnation

Born into the Province of Rowan she grew up amongst the common folk during the fight for independence from the Shesire Sovereignty. Trained with rudimentary skills with a sword and a higher education than most she was accepted into working for the Rowan Jarl, Lysandus, and was instrumental in assisting him as an agent of Lysandus allowing him to reach the title of Rowan King. From this achievement Lysandus personally gave her a deed of nobility, giving her the name she became known for Lady Irene, although she never was obvious about it and many people do not know who she is on account of her subtle presence as an agent.    She got married to a knight of Lysandus, Olberic Amaranth, who she met during a mission to the edge of the province during the Shesire Sovereignty'take over. Together they had 3 children, Tesaih the eldest daughter, Harvey the middle son, and Madison the youngest daughter. However the father died a short few weeks after Madison was born leaving Irene to take care of the two youngest until her eventual disappears in the years leading up to Lysandus's u deathly crusade(-17).
Current Location
Hazel brown
Semi dark green, long, semi curly
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
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