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Maku Tesh

Written by Artgalles

Maku Tesh, alternatively known as Davy Jones out of his homeland of the Slande Archipelago. He is said to be the only sailor in history capable of bending the Sea Levithan to his knees. He originated from one of the Ishpinu tribes, but left the archipelago before it was founded by Josephine Slande, away from his homeland he adopted the name Davy Jones.   His life led him to serve for the Navy of the Sembar, where he took worked on the Flying Dutchmen, a ship that later became a ghost ship. But he desired more, and after a disagreement with his admiral he took up the life of piracy and pledged to set all of the sea free. His love was hanged in Widows Port as punishment for him turning his back on the empire. His heart filled with sorrow and greed he descended fathoms deep with the ship he was captain to meet with the Levithan of the Sea. Different tales debate and paint the events of this difference, but the one most agreed factor is Maku was gifted eternal life, but this came with the curse of never leaving the sea.   The next key moment of his life was the realization he could never see reach his beloved again, as he remained stranded on his sunken ship, he pondered and dreamt all possible ways of bringing her back.   He soon began walking the floor of the sea, the origins of its name becoming known as Davy's Locker. He began making deals with both powerful individuals and soon that turned to making deals with those he deemed beneath him. These victims were sailors near death who would do anything for more life, those that agreed to his servitude were to join his sunken crew and serve for an eternity and a day preparing his ship that would never sail to depart.   This is how he became a pirate in death, preparing for the day he may finally meet his beloved again. He is the devil of the sea, making bargains with mortals that end prove unfortunate to the victim, this has earned him the title of the Barnacled Man.
by Artgalles


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