AIya is Earthlings greatest accomplishment Artificial Intelligence. The closest they could get to a unified consciousness due to the corrupt leadership and unstable soul power being exported by the Draconic
The Draconic we’re responsible for Earthlings discovery of computer science even back to the 1930s
4 types:
- Reactive machines- no memory, responded to stimuli (drones, )
- Limited Memory- limited memory to improve and learn responses (Sentinel, chatbots, to self driving cars)
- Theory of Mind- understands needs of other intelligent entities (AI Art generators, Metal Men / Androids
- Self Aware- fully cable of first 2 planes of existence, @ plane & @ plan, alternative system classifications ANI AGI ASI AIya just about the same power source of a @ga
Social Impact
The Years: @ 2000, @ 2040, @ 2050, @ 3000