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The Orcs are a species of medium humanoids who are physically imposing and stocky. They are generally present throughout Khair, while having established an enclave for their pacifist faith in the north western part of Khair, by the delta of Urok's Grace. After having lost their homeland in the Dualist Wars, Orcs abandoned their war-focused codex and turned toward a path of spiritual enlightenment. Their sovereign is abbess Yevelda.

Basic Information


Orcs are usually no less than 1.90 meters tall, and have a bulky build, easily weighing 150-180 kg. Their grey skin is tinted in various cool tones like greens, blues or purples - usually very desaturated shades. Orcs rarely grow body hair, although their face and scalp do. It usually comes in dark colors. Their small and sensitive eyes are usually red to orange-gold in color. They have proportionally large hands, feet and heads. Their jaws possess protruding tusks of up to 15 cm in length.

Genetics and Reproduction

Orcs practice coital reproduction, with a gestation period of around 4 months.

Growth Rate & Stages

With a notably faster metabolism than most other civilized species, orcs are considered adult by about 13 years of age, middle aged by 25 and venerable by 45.

Ecology and Habitats

Orcs prefer a tempered environment, with a tendency toward the cold. Their settlements live in harmony with its biome, putting effort into a sustainable lifestyle.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Orcs culturally have a largely plant-based diet, though this varies when observed outside of the enclave.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Orcish social structure is marked by peace, a focus on family life and respect for the environment - all in accordance with the pacifist philosophy of Yozlica. Orc society does not have steep hierarchies, but they do have a religious sovereign who is sought after for major decisions, trusted to find compromising solutions and protect the unity of the group. Families are malleable, fluid constructs which do not rely on blood relatives for definition, but instead by individual identification. Therefore, one will not find orcs with family names, much rather will they add the names of their parental figures, soulmates or mates, depending on whichever is most relevant in their lives. Polyamory is normative, meaning it is common to have two or more mates, and children not seldomly having four parental figures which would share their responsibilities.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Orcs possess greater vision compared to humans, while their other senses are unremarkable.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Orc names are usually one to three syllables long and often based on the first sounds the individual made upon birth. Names tend to not be gendered.   Examples: Umog, Sharog, Morn, Duzgob, Ulumpha, Murob, Yazgash, Garshuk, Nargol, Haddrak, Brokhil, Homraz, Gobbog, Haghram, Zogwort, Rokblorggor, Fearghal, Oza, Bashuk, Urzul, Lambur, Naz, Maurn, Mekslag, Mursha, Glugk, Naffur, Bugsel, Nobfang, Duzhar, Nubshak, Buzum, Mag, Grumshak, Nazsnaga, Skarsnaga, Nubbog, Mekbag, Magnob, Brubwort, Nazarg, Morskab, Skarstuf, Uzshak, Gobgul, Naruz, Brubsnaga, Onugug, Gluronk, Omugug, Rogbut, Bula, Hagu, Batul, Mugdul, Farod, Bulfim, Durgat, Jokgagu, Agrob, Mog


In the early ages after genesis, Orcs used to follow a much more war-like path: willing to gain divine favours by showing their prowess and dominion in physical fight. Their society followed a lifestyle of austerity to harden its people for demanding conquest and battles. It is said in oral tradition that the God Wars destroyed their homeland, thus causing a near extinction of the species. A large part of the surviving Orcs were deserters who had fled the homeland for not aligning with its ideology - these individuals now seized their chance for a new beginning and founded new anarchist settlements during the age of Dualism, while abstaining from any feuds which therein ensued. The confirmation of Yozlica's existence marked an important point in Orc history, being the moment they found divine recognition of their life philosophy. In the following decades, a large cultural revolution overtook the Orcs who now focused their efforts into veneration and search of what they consider their patron deity with the very passion they are known for to this day, preparing for the arrival of their deity, which they consider to be the personifiction of peace.
Scientific Name
Bipedes pacalis
50 years
Average Height
1.90 - 2.20 meters
Average Weight
150-180 kg
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations


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