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Sacred Diocese of Krudh


The Sacred Diocese of Krudh is led by a Grand Archimandrite who providies spiritual guidance and represents the state in external affairs. The acting Archimandrite is supported by a council of Custodes or Creed Bearers, each of which lead a commune within the government. The Archimandrite is also a Creed Bearer, and the acting Archimandrite's commune is the designated capital, respectively.


Much of Krudhian religious culture is specified in the Usul: a codex of faith that is spread orally. It teaches the basics on peaceful togetherness by the principle of Besna, a pledge of honor that is so substantial to krudhian life that it is often quoted in government affairs. The core belief of Besna is to stay faithful to one's word, and to make oneself forthcoming and committed to the community. The Usul is made up of many bite sized lections that are taught over manual labor, the doctrine is interwoven with kyrian faith often uses agriculture as its teaching medium. In its more pratically oriented sections, the Usul details on how to best make use of every part of plant or animal - thus honoring it.


Not known as one of the fiscally wealthy nations, Krudh mainly prides itself on its culinary exploits such as fine wines and conserved vegetables or the breeding of dolycattle, which it exports to Mamosya and Siheireth. The country is marked by many beautiful churches and monasteries. Security is enforced by small, but effective troops of martially trained individuals known as Mediators. Typical for Krudh is the use of twin sickles known as Kumri. An important natural resource lies hidden in this country: In the Mountains of Krudh, an indigenous plant called the Starshade produces pollen which amplify the effect of magic use. The Starshade fields are considered sacred and guarded diligently, to the point of only select individuals knowing of them.


The Sacred Diocese of Krudh was founded in 53 CR by Morske the First, a visionary leader who established the nation on principles of peace, harmony, and community. Morske's founding vision was deeply influenced by the teachings of the Usul, the codex of faith that forms the backbone of Krudhian culture. Under his leadership, Krudh developed into a nation dedicated to the worship of Kyr, the unborn god prophesied to bring peace and tranquility to the world. The diocese quickly became known for its commitment to peaceful coexistence and its focus on agricultural and communal life, rather than on military expansion. From its founding, Krudh has maintained a policy of neutrality, avoiding entanglement in the conflicts that have shaped the history of neighboring regions. This approach to foreign relations has been tested by the aggressive expansionist policies of the Mamosyan Empire, Krudh's western neighbor. However, Krudh's strong commitment to non-violence and diplomacy, combined with its strategic alliances, has allowed it to avoid direct conflict with the Empire. Instead, Krudh has focused on cultivating its relationships with other peaceful nations, such as the Divine Monarchy of Siheireth, with which it shares mutual respect due to their shared theocratic foundations.   Throughout its history, Krudh has seen few major conflicts, with most of its challenges arising from internal matters, such as managing resources, upholding the principles of Besna, and maintaining the delicate balance of its gift economy. The nation has experienced periods of tension, particularly when the Mamosyan Empire has exerted pressure on its borders. Nevertheless, Krudh has managed to preserve its sovereignty and way of life through a combination of diplomatic negotiation, the spiritual leadership of the Grand Archimandrite, and the strength of its agricultural and communal systems.   In 217 CR, Krudh remains a beacon of peace and spiritual devotion in a world often marked by conflict. Its current leader, Grand Archimandrite Yevelda the Mild, continues to guide the nation in accordance with the teachings of the Usul, emphasizing the importance of community, faith, and the peaceful resolution of disputes. Despite the ongoing threat of the Mamosyan Empire, Krudh's commitment to its founding principles has ensured its continued prosperity and stability.

"Semper serite!"

Founding Date
53 CR
Alternative Names
Krudh, Orclands
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Krudhes, Krudhian
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Gift economy
Krudh operates on a gift economy, with transactions quantified in units of favors represented by pearls of different colors. These pearls are categorized into three tiers: Favors (red, orange, yellow) for small acts of service, Aids (light green, forest green, turquoise) for more substantial values, and Sponsorships (sky blue, deep blue, purple) for significant transactions such as purchasing a house or paying a year’s salary. The highest unit, the pink pearl known as a Labor of Love, is used for major state affairs and the construction of temples. The use of these pearls is context-dependent, and their value can vary based on the situation.
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations
Related Species


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