Session 4: Unforeseen Simulation Joint Report

General Summary

Prior to going to going to USJ they got into their hero suits and Denki and Harry went to give Deku's hero suit. Harry got a 5lb bag of gummis from recovery girl.   The students were taken to the USJ for on the go training in any situation. They met 13, a teacher in an astronaut's suit. A purplish hazy portal opened up and unknown people were coming through. Dangerous looking people. Aizawa Sensei immediately jumped into fighting the hordes of people while 13 started to evacuate the students. The hazy purple man blocked the way between the students and the exit. Red Rocket and Kachhan jumped to attacking the purple hazy man, Jacob's Character (Secret name: Abstraction Construed) shot a ball bearing that harmlessly flew through and came back to him. Red Rocket and Kacchan were warped away. 13 jumped into attack with her blackhole, which began to suck in purple hazy man to give Ida a chance to run and get the other teachers for backup. Purplish Haze redirected the blackhole to eat away at 13's backside. Other students jumped into the fight, they felt weightless, AC tried to reach for 13 but was able to reach her and tell she was breathing before he got warped away with the Incoming Freshmen.   Ai, Daniel, and Harry got warped to the ruins zone (broken downtown). There was a chainsaw man, 2 bladed person, chameleon, Frost mouth, club person, katana, and shame person with a sword. The three made it back together either by spidering or jumping over with Ai's parachutes she made. The villain Frost Mouth tried to stop them Ai looped yarn around his neck and pulled him to the next floor below, breaking his neck upon impact. Daniel was the last one on the top floor fighting Katana and Chainsaw, he lassoed them both and pulled them down to next floor. Katana fell on his own blade, Chainsaw guys was alive, Ai strung him up to choke him out but not kill. Sword guy jumped down to join fight. Harry saw double bladed guy talking to someone out the door and Harry told him to surrender as he switched to lethal rounds. Double blade said bring it and he'd deflect the bullets. Harry opened fire and blade guy made deflecting noises with his mouth but was riddled. Harry returned and held Sword guy at gun point when suddenly Harry had his P90 lifted from the air and turn invisible as it left the building. Harry went to reach it and got ambushed by Club guy, who then went to fight Ai and Danial. Harry negotiated with floating gun after it shot and missed him. The gun moved up and down like a nod and went flying opposite direction. Harry heard footsteps running away. Harry came back and Danial had finished off Club guy with ranged daggers. Sword guy was saying his colleagues were pathetic. Danial or Harry Goaded him and that activated his shame quirk which made him bulk up and gain health. Eventually they finished him off and he slumped against the wall. They tried to heal the ones that had died (katana and club). Chainsaw and Shame Sword were stabilized. Chamelon was about to steal away the sword but got his tail broke from the rubber bullets of Harry. They were all knocked out and tied up, except for those dead. Then made their way towards landslide zone.     AC, Denki, and Rose were warped to the landslide zone. Anthropomorphic animal people along with an electric quirk (who was jamming the signals). Moleman (master of the earth), Bunny hair girl, Naga snake girl (escaped), Cactus guy, rhino, pinhead, Hedgehog, knife guy (tapping ground to signal those underground). Denki got captured at some point. Cactus guy got the drop pretending to be a cactus. Naga eventually betrayed Electric guy, saving Denki before escaping. This was after they had fought off the others. Electric guy killed cactus in the hole. Hedgehog died, Moleman was also killed off by electric.   AC threw up 3 times. The three got back together and met up with the others.   You reconvene with the others at the edge of the landslide zone. The alarms are going off repeatedly saying, “Intruders alert, all students please evacuate quickly and safely.” As you all make your way back to the entrance of USJ, villains are trying to escape barely paying you any mind. You see teachers dispatching and incapacitating them. Occasionally you see a classmate join up with you in the attempt to make it back to the entrance. Gunshots can be heard as villains are shot in their limbs, immobilizing them. That must be Snipe, cowboy looking teacher with the gasmask and long red cape. Craters appear as villains are dropped in as others are swamped in grey sludge quickly hardening into concrete. The powers of Power Loader, a short man in a tall yellow exoskeleton, and Cementoss, tall square headed and grey skinned. Instead of cutting through the middle of the plaza, your group makes their way around the edges of the plaza. The middle of the plaza has heavy and large thuds emanating and causing the ground to shake. The #1 hero, All Might, is trading blow for blows with a large muscly creature rippling with dark black muscles. The top of the cranium of said creature exposed showing its brain and coming to end at a beak in the front of his face. Each of All Might’s punches seemingly bounce off or be absorbed into the torso of this fearsome being. All Might’s side is growing redder with blood from the gouges. The intensity and speed of their trading punches begin to blur to the naked eye. All Might roars out as the creature is slowly being knocked back from the blows before a final punch to its gut sends it rocketing out of the USJ through the glass domed roof. Not too far from All Might’s feet, you can catch a glimpse of Deku, legs contorted and tears streaming down his face. Within arm’s reach of him is Aizawa, your home room teacher, crumpled and bloodied. The elbow on his right arm is missing skin and flesh as if it had been eaten away. A stone’s throw away from All Might, there lays a young man, white haired and wearing simple jeans and dark cotton shirt. You can’t see his face as it is being held by a greyed disembodied hand. In fact all over his body there are multiple grey disembodied hands grasping him. This man is sitting up on the ground, his legs wounded from Snipe’s shots. Before All Might could react, a dark purple swirling portal opens up behind and swallows up the white haired man. A wall of cement encircles All Might cutting him off from your view as you make your way up the stairs towards the teachers and principal Nezu. You are all whisked away to the triage area where Recovery Girl and some medical assistants are tending to wounded classmates. You are assessed for your damages, quickly treated, and listened to a quick report. As you all exit the medical tent, you can see the police are rounding up the villains, cuffing them and fitting them with limiters. From the forest area, you can see a platoon of policeman bringing the huge muscled creature in cuffs and limiters. It seems to be docile or muted in its behavior as it is lead by the police force, a stark contrast from the ferocity of its battle with All Might. You are all instructed to change back into your uniforms. The damage to your hero suits would be repaired. Several teachers accompany you out of the school grounds, shielding you from the ravenous press trying to pry any amount of information out of you and other students. The teachers hurry you to your houses and give your parents a quick explanation of the situation. A letter with more details will be sent after a proper investigation and report. You were told to try to report all your accounts of this incident at your leisure. Ryo Inui, the hunting dog hero and school guidance counselor is working over time to make sure his office is open to talk to students about the situation. You are all given the next week off school to decompress and spend time with your families. Eventually a letter from the school arrives. The President personally apologizing for the event and promising action to ensure the continued safety of the student. Nezu asks for students to return when the parents’ are comfortable. A proposal for the parents for plans for students dormitories; detailing out the increase security and measures that would be taken. The official report also included that the school was attacked by the League of Villains for an unspecified reason. Thankfully there were no student casualties. Your parents and guardians are obviously worried, some begrudgingly allowing you to go back to school as we await the final decision on school dormitories. Will you see all your fellow classmates?   You all gain 100 EXP. Hunting Dog Hero is encouraged to go to for guidance counseling regarding this traumatic event.
My Hero Academia
Yarn 2
/ 21
Beatrix Batholomew
Daniel Webber
Arachnid 2
/ 24
Report Date
06 Dec 2022


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