La Cruz Coronada

La Cruz Coronada (“The Crowned Cross” in Spanish) is the least powerful pack in Miami, the nexus of the locally outnumbered Ultra-Conservative faction of the Sabbat. Their leader, Carolina Ayala, urges Archbishop Mendoza  to abandon his lechery and lasciviousness, fully establish iron rule, and concentrate solely on waging war against the Camarilla Antediluvians. Among the diversion-seeking Sabbat of Miami, such words are ignored, save for those particularly attracted to the “iron rule” aspect of Ayala's political vision. Ayala has gathered around her a small but noteworthy group of similarly minded autocrats, and while their presence is minor now, that could easily change, especially as a surge in instability and panic could magnify these Cainite fascists.   La Cruz Coronada has a history stretching to when Cuba was a Spanish colony, founded in the 19th century by Lasombra  creoles with ties to the mortal nationalist movement. Originally trying to shake U.S. influence over the island, the pack moved to Miami after the 1960 revolution along with mortal emigres. To these genteel Lasombra, the uncouth Sabbat masses of the United States led them to come closer together and pool their resources.   Over the years, La Cruz has reached dominant status in Little Havana, spanning its coils around the neighborhood's political and cultural institutions as well as major businesses. The fact the most conservative vampires in Miami base themselves within an enclave of counter-revolutionary Cubans is not lost on their ardent critics, including the Loyalists, who nevertheless stay out of Little Havana for all their bold talk. La Cruz does its best to stay out of the center of sect affairs, respecting that their position is so precarious, and concedes its dependence on Mendoza's blessing.   This does not mean that Bishop Ayala and her support can be taken for granted, and if she wanted, she could forcefully obstruct any course of action she felt posed a threat to the stability of the Sabbat, especially if she suspected that the Loyalist faction stood to take advantage of the resulting disorder. In her opinion, order at any price is still preferable to letting the rabble  have its way, even if that means turning her back on those she has promised to aid. Chaos, she argues, can never fully reign in Miami.

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