Favont Supreme Court


  1. Chief Justice: At the pinnacle of the Supreme Court stands the Chief Justice, appointed by the monarch. The Chief Justice holds the highest authority within the court, presides over significant cases, and plays a crucial role in maintaining the court's alignment with government policies.
  2. Associate Justices: Below the Chief Justice are the Associate Justices appointed by the monarch. The number of Associate Justices may vary based on the workload and the complexity of cases. These justices preside over cases within their specialised divisions and contribute to decision-making.
  3. Specialised Divisions: The Supreme Court is organised into specialised divisions, each responsible for handling specific cases following government policies. These divisions include, but are not limited to:
    • Civil Division
    • Criminal Division
    • Constitutional Division
    • Administrative Division
    • Trade and Commerce Division
    • Environmental Division
    • Family and Moral Values Division
  4. Legal Advisors: Legal advisors work closely with the justices within each specialised division. They provide legal research, analysis, and guidance to ensure that cases align with the law, government policies, and the king's directives. Legal advisors are essential in assisting the court in making informed decisions.
  5. Court Clerks: Court clerks assist in managing administrative tasks within the Supreme Court, including case filing, scheduling, and record-keeping. They ensure that court proceedings run smoothly and efficiently.
  6. Public Relations Office: The court's Public Relations Office handles communication with the public and media. However, all information released to the public must adhere to strict media guidelines and government expectations. The office's role is to maintain transparency while aligning public messaging with official government directives.
  7. Secretarial Support: Administrative support staff assist in the day-to-day operations of the court, including managing correspondence, maintaining records, and providing logistical support to justices and legal advisors.
  8. Security and Facilities Management: This department is responsible for maintaining security within the court premises, ensuring the safety of personnel and visitors, and overseeing the maintenance of court facilities.
  9. Research and Library Services: The court's research and library services provide access to legal resources, precedents, and reference materials to support justices, legal advisors, and court clerks.


  • Nobility and Honor: Those at the Supreme Court consider their roles noble callings, viewing themselves as guardians of justice.
  • Righteousness: Pursuing justice and applying the law are acts of righteousness driven by a profound sense of duty.
  • Tradition and Respect for the Law: Legal proceedings meticulously adhere to established principles and procedures, reinforcing respect for the law.
  • Alignment with Government Policies: The court ensures its decisions align with government policies and the King's directives, upholding his absolute authority.
  • Commitment to Public Relations: A public relations office exists, but any information released must adhere to strict media guidelines and government expectations.
  • Sense of Pride: Court members take pride in their roles as custodians of justice, viewing their work as a source of honour.
  • Adherence to Cultural Values: The court's culture reflects a deep commitment to Favont's cultural values, often influenced by Angelism.
  • Secrecy and Discretion: The court operates with a code of secrecy and confidentiality, with cases and deliberations never disclosed to the public.

Public Agenda

  • Legal Cases and Interpretation: Adjudicating legal disputes, interpreting laws, and ensuring a fair and just legal process.
  • Alignment with Government and Values: Ensuring that court decisions align with government policies, the directives of the King, and Favont's cultural and moral values.
  • Secrecy and Confidentiality: Maintaining strict confidentiality and secrecy in all court matters, respecting privacy and the integrity of legal cases.
  • Public Relations and Media Control: Managing public relations to disseminate information aligned with media guidelines and government expectations.
  • Review of Legislation: Evaluating the constitutionality of laws when necessary and providing recommendations to the Grand Assembly.
  • Crisis Response: Preparing for legal actions related to emergencies or crises, ensuring the nation's stability and security during unforeseen events.
  • Adherence to Angelism: Integrating Angelic principles and ethics into legal decisions where appropriate.
  • Legal Advice: Offering legal advice and guidance to government ministries when requested, ensuring legal compliance in government actions.
Court System
Parent Organization