
Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Princess Listelle possesses a moderate level of fitness and agility, maintaining a well-toned physique through regular physical activities and exercises. Her body shape is slender and graceful, reflecting her disciplined lifestyle and attention to health. She does not require any physical aids or devices, and she is free from any significant abnormalities, illnesses, or afflictions, enjoying good overall health.

Body Features

Princess Listelle has an elegant and regal presence with a slender and graceful figure. She has long, dark blonde hair that cascades in soft waves, framing her face. Her expressive brown eyes captivate others with their warmth and intelligence. Listelle possesses a slightly tanned complexion, radiating a healthy glow, and she often adorns herself with delicate jewellery and wears reading glasses that add a touch of scholarly charm.

Facial Features

Princess Listelle possesses a face of striking beauty and grace. Her facial features are harmonious and balanced, with high cheekbones accentuating her regal appearance. Her warm, expressive brown eyes hold a depth of intelligence and curiosity. Listelle has a refined nose, gently sloping and proportionate to her face, and her lips are soft and naturally rosy. Overall, her countenance exudes elegance, intelligence, and approachability.

Identifying Characteristics

Princess Listelle possesses a unique and distinguishing feature of a delicate birthmark in the shape of a star on the nape of her neck. The birthmark is a source of intrigue and fascination, often regarded as a symbol of her connection to the magical lineage of the ruling class. It serves as a distinct identifier and is sometimes considered a mark of her royal heritage. Listelle embraces this identifying feature as a confirmation of her birthright.

Physical quirks

She possesses the subtle physical quirk of a tendency to unconsciously twirl a strand of her hair around her finger when deep in thought or contemplation. This quirk is a manifestation of her introspective nature and serves as a visual cue to those around her that she is engaged in a moment of deep reflection. Listelle's hair-twirling gesture adds charm and innocence to her overall presence.

Special abilities

Listelle, one of the most powerful Magi of her time, possesses exceptional control over electrical currents and the manipulation of magical energy. She deeply understands the intricate symbols and gestures required to channel her magic effectively. In her daily life, Listelle utilises her magical abilities for various purposes.

First and foremost, Listelle uses her magic for personal and practical applications. She imbues everyday objects with magic to create convenience and efficiency, such as enchanting her home with automated systems, manipulating electrical appliances, or imbuing her personal belongings with protective spells.


Furthermore, Listelle uses her magical prowess to enhance her intellectual pursuits. She employs her magic to delve into the depths of magical theory, conducting experiments and pushing the boundaries of magical knowledge. Her ability to manipulate electrical currents allows her to create intricate displays and visual aids during her lectures or presentations, captivating her audience and facilitating their understanding of complex magical concepts.


Listelle also uses her magic to maintain communication and connect with others. She employs visual communication spells, enabling her to communicate with trusted individuals over long distances. Additionally, she employs her abilities to create portals, facilitating travel and efficient transportation for herself and others.


In the realm of public service, Listelle utilises her magical talents to aid in developing and improving her kingdom. She participates in projects that involve magical infrastructure, such as designing and imbuing public transportation systems with magic or creating protective wards around important buildings and monuments.


Overall, Listelle sees magic as a tool for personal advancement and the betterment of society. She seeks to utilise her abilities responsibly and ethically, leveraging her magical prowess to inspire progress, foster knowledge, and improve the lives of those around her.

Apparel & Accessories

Listelle is known for her impeccable sense of style and her preference for elegant and sophisticated attire. In private, she often opts for comfortable yet refined clothing, such as flowing silk robes or loose-fitting dresses in muted colours, allowing her freedom of movement while maintaining an air of grace.

In public, Listelle is always seen with her signature piece of jewellery: a delicate pendant in the shape of an angel's wing, encrusted with shimmering gemstones. This pendant holds deep personal significance, symbolising her faith in Angelism and her connection to the divine. It is a constant reminder of her duties as a princess and her commitment to the principles her ruling class uphold.

Additionally, Listelle is always seen in public carrying a fan. The fan serves both a practical purpose in keeping her cool during public appearances and as an elegant accessory that complements her outfits. Listelle's skilful use of the fan adds an aura of grace and poise to her public demeanour, further enhancing her regal presence.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born into a world of privilege and responsibilities, Princess Listelle's journey of self-discovery and intellectual growth began at an early age. From the tender age of 3, she was enrolled in the prestigious Ithrail Institution, renowned for its comprehensive curriculum encompassing various subjects, including Magical Science and Theory. Listelle's thirst for knowledge was apparent from the start, and she excelled in her studies, demonstrating a keen intellect and a natural affinity for magical arts.

However, tragedy struck when Listelle was just 13 years old. Her mother, Queen Adelaide, fell victim to an assassin during a meeting with Aeryn, the Duchess of Steffen. The televised assassination shocked the nation, plunging Listelle into grief and upheaval. Meanwhile, Favont, her beloved country, became embroiled in a war with Enwa, further compounding the turmoil.

Despite these tumultuous times, Listelle remained dedicated to her studies at Ithrail. She persevered and completed her undergraduate degree in Magical Science and Theory by age 21. Undeterred by the chaos surrounding her, Listelle pursued further education, pursuing a master's degree in the same field.

After the war, Listelle sought further academic advancement in the country of Peren, a longstanding ally of Favont. Joined by Rhaisin Chisely, the Duke of Radnage and a close friend of her late father, Listelle delved into the intricacies of magical theory and research. As she mentored Rhaisin, their shared pursuit of knowledge deepened their bond.

At age 25, Listelle returned to Favont, where significant societal changes occurred. The Reconstruction, a social event following the war, had resulted in the enslavement of the impoverished and the Ananan ethnic minority group, who were perceived with suspicion and resentment. Listelle, influenced by the traumatic loss of her mother at the hands of an Ananan assassin, supported this controversial policy, believing it ensured the welfare and care of those affected.

At 26, Listelle was encouraged into a relationship with Silver Rycard, the Duke of Asbeet. She tried to embrace the courtship, oblivious that Silver's heart belonged to another.

As Listelle turned 29 in 948, her experiences shaped her into a compassionate yet cautious leader.


Magical Sciences and Theory

Listelle's favourite subject delved deep into the study of magical principles, including the mechanics and theory behind various magical practices. This subject involves understanding magical energy, spellcasting techniques, elemental manipulation, and the intricacies of magical phenomena.

Potions and Herbology

Listelle learnt the art of brewing potions and the properties of various magical herbs and ingredients. This subject involved studying the effects of potions, their formulations, and the ethical considerations associated with their use.

Enchantments and Charms

Listelle explored the realm of enchantments and charms, learning to imbue objects with magical properties and understanding the intricacies of charm casting. This subject involved the study of symbols, incantations, and the practical applications of enchanted objects.

History of Magic

Understanding the rich tapestry of magical history was essential for Listelle. This subject covered significant magical events, prominent magical figures, and the evolution of magical practices throughout the ages.

Arcane Literature and Research

Listelle extensively read arcane texts and scholarly works to deepen her understanding of magical theory, spellbooks, and ancient magical traditions. This subject fostered critical thinking and analytical skills in interpreting and applying magical knowledge.

Classical Academic Subjects

To provide a well-rounded education, Listelle also studied subjects like mathematics, philosophy, literature, and languages, particularly in ancient Perenx, Marwornese and Enwan. These disciplines cultivated her intellectual abilities and broadened her perspective on various aspects of the world.

Politics and Diplomacy

As a princess, Listelle received an education in politics, governance, and diplomatic affairs. This subject equipped her with the necessary knowledge and skills to navigate the complexities of royal court dynamics, international relations, the interplay between the church, the guilds and the ruling class, and leadership responsibilities.

Aesthetic Subjects

Listelle's education included aesthetic subjects such as music, dance, and fine arts. These disciplines provided her with creative outlets and instilled an appreciation for beauty and artistic expression.

Physical Activities

To maintain a balanced lifestyle, Listelle engaged in physical activities such as swordsmanship, archery, and other forms of physical training. These activities enhanced her agility, combat skills, and overall physical well-being.

Theology and Angelism Doctrine

Listelle delved into the theological teachings of Angelism, studying the scriptures, rituals, and beliefs of the faith. This included an in-depth understanding of the eight angels, their characteristics, and their role in the pantheon.

Philosophy and Ethics

Given the importance of wisdom, peace, and clarity in Angelism, Listelle engaged in philosophical and ethical studies. This involved exploring various philosophical schools of thought and examining ethical dilemmas and moral frameworks.

Social and Cultural Studies

Listelle explored the social dynamics and cultural nuances of Favont, analyzing the intersection of Angelism, noble class, and societal values. This subject gave her insights into the beliefs, customs, and traditions of the Favont's citizens.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Attaining Mastery in Magical Sciences

Listelle's dedication to her magical studies and pursuit of knowledge in magical sciences and theory have led her to achieve mastery in her field. She has pushed the boundaries of her magical abilities and made groundbreaking discoveries, earning recognition and respect among her peers and mentors.

Publishing Groundbreaking Research

Listelle has authored several influential research papers and publications in the field of magical sciences. Her contributions have expanded the understanding and application of magic, earning her accolades and establishing her as a respected authority in her field.

Opening the Palace Museum

As part of her commitment to promoting cultural heritage, Listelle played a crucial role in establishing and opening the palace museum. This accomplishment showcases her passion for preserving history, art, and artefacts, allowing the public to access and appreciate their rich heritage.

Promoting Peace and Diplomacy

Listelle has actively fostered diplomatic relations between Favont and the neighbouring countries of Marwor, Peren and Niphan. Her efforts in diplomacy and peace-building have helped mitigate conflicts, strengthen alliances, and ensure stability in the region.

Establishing Educational Initiatives

Recognizing the importance of education, Listelle has spearheaded various initiatives to provide quality education to children across the kingdom. She believes in the transformative power of knowledge and strives to create equal opportunities for all.

Leading Environmental Conservation Efforts

Listelle is passionate about protecting the environment and preserving the kingdom's natural resources. She has initiated and supported conservation projects, promoting sustainable practices and raising awareness about the importance of environmental stewardship.

Inspiring Future Generations

Listelle takes pride in being a role model and mentor to aspiring young magicians and leaders. She actively participates in educational programs, workshops, and mentorship initiatives, empowering the next generation to embrace their potential and positively impact society.

Failures & Embarrassments

Inability to Prevent Her Mother's Assassination

One of the most haunting failures for Listelle is her inability to prevent the assassination of her mother, Queen Adelaide. Despite being separated from her parents at a young age, losing her mother deeply affected Listelle, leaving her with feelings of guilt and a lingering sense of responsibility for not being able to protect her.

Strained Relationship with Her Father

Listelle's relationship with her father, King Terys III, has been tumultuous. Their limited interaction and emotional distance have left her feeling unfulfilled and longing for a closer connection. The absence of a strong parental figure has influenced her sense of identity and belonging.

Inadequate Handling of Political Matters

As a princess and future ruler, Listelle has had to navigate the complexities of politics and governance. However, she has made mistakes and misjudgments in crucial political matters, resulting in unintended consequences and negative outcomes. These failures have caused her to doubt her leadership abilities and have led to questioning her decision-making skills.

Public Criticism and Scrutiny

As a prominent societal figure, Listelle has faced public scrutiny and criticism from those questioning her actions and decisions. This constant judgment has affected her self-confidence and made her hesitant to take risks or assert her beliefs, fearing further judgment and potential failure.

Romantic Disappointments

Listelle's romantic relationships have not always gone as planned, leading to heartbreak and disappointment. Her involvement with Silver Rycard, who is in love with someone else, has caused her emotional pain and made her question her worthiness of love and companionship.

Struggles with Self-Identity

Being a princess and a Magi, Listelle has grappled with the pressure to fulfil expectations and live up to the roles assigned to her. This has led to internal conflicts, self-doubt, and a constant search for her true self, apart from her royal and magical identities.

Mental Trauma

Separation from her Parents

Listelle's early separation from her parents at the age of three and being sent to a boarding school can profoundly impact a child's emotional development. The absence of a nurturing and stable family environment may have caused feelings of abandonment, loneliness, and a sense of detachment from her parents.

Pressure and Expectations of Royalty

Being born into a royal family comes with immense pressure and high expectations. Listelle has had to navigate the demands of her royal role, fulfilling her responsibilities as a princess and living up to the standards set by her family and society. The weight of these expectations can lead to feelings of stress, anxiety, and a constant need to prove herself.

Guilt and Self-Blame

The loss of her mother due to the assassination can create a significant burden of guilt and self-blame for Listelle. She may carry a sense of responsibility for not being able to protect her mother or prevent the tragedy, even if it was beyond her control. This guilt can manifest as self-doubt, internalized blame, and a persistent feeling of inadequacy.

Emotional Distance from her Father

The strained relationship with her father, King Terys III, and the emotional distance between them can profoundly impact Listelle's mental well-being. The lack of a strong paternal figure and the absence of a nurturing bond can lead to feelings of abandonment, insecurity, and a deep longing for a connection that may be difficult to establish.

Inner Conflicts and Identity Struggles

As a Magi princess, Listelle may face inner conflicts related to her dual identity. Balancing her magical abilities, royal obligations, and personal desires can create fragmentation and confusion. These identity struggles can cause feelings of uncertainty, self-doubt, and an ongoing search for her true self.

Societal Expectations and Criticism

As a public figure, Listelle is subjected to societal expectations and constant scrutiny. The weight of public opinions, criticisms, and judgment can take a toll on her mental health, leading to feelings of inadequacy, self-consciousness, and a fear of making mistakes.

Trauma from War and Conflict

The experiences surrounding the war between Favont and Enwa may have exposed Listelle to traumatic events, such as witnessing violence, loss of lives, and the impact of war on Favont. These experiences can result in post-traumatic stress symptoms, including flashbacks, anxiety, and emotional distress.


Effect of her Mother's Death

Intense Grief and Emotional Turmoil

The loss of a loved one, especially a parent, can trigger profound grief and a range of intense emotions. Listelle may have experienced overwhelming sadness, anger, confusion, and a deep sense of emptiness following her mother's assassination. These emotions can resurface during significant milestones, anniversaries, or triggers associated with her mother's memory.

Trust and Security Issues

The traumatic loss of her mother may have shattered Listelle's sense of trust and security. She may find it challenging to trust others or form close relationships, fearing that they may be taken away from her or that she may experience further loss. This can lead to emotional guardedness and difficulty in fully opening up to others.

Complex Grief and Complicated Relationship Dynamics

The complexity of Listelle's relationship with her mother, having spent much of her life in boarding school, may add another layer to her grief. She may grapple with mixed emotions of loss, unresolved conflicts, and a longing for a connection she never fully experienced.

Intellectual Characteristics

Curiosity and Openness

Listelle exhibits a natural curiosity about the world and a genuine desire to explore new ideas, concepts, and possibilities. She thrives on intellectual stimulation and actively seeks out diverse perspectives, making her an avid learner in various fields of knowledge.

Creativity and Imagination

Listelle's mind is brimming with creativity and imaginative thinking. She has a knack for connecting seemingly unrelated concepts, generating innovative solutions, and envisioning possibilities beyond conventional boundaries. This imaginative quality fuels her ability to think outside the box and approach challenges from fresh angles.

Holistic and Big-Picture Thinking

Listelle tends to think in broad strokes, focusing on the larger context and interconnectedness of ideas. She is adept at synthesising information from different sources and recognising patterns and overarching themes. This holistic approach enables her to grasp complex subjects and draw insightful conclusions.

Intuitive Decision-Making

Listelle relies heavily on her intuition when making decisions or assessing situations. She trusts her gut instincts and often follows her inner guidance, allowing her to make quick and intuitive connections between ideas or information. This intuitive decision-making style often leads to innovative and unexpected solutions.

Passionate Engagement

Listelle possesses a deep passion for her areas of interest. When she finds a subject that captures her attention, she dives into it wholeheartedly, immersing herself in the pursuit of knowledge and understanding. Her enthusiasm fuels her motivation to explore and excel in her intellectual endeavours.

Social Orientation

Listelle's personality type emphasises her inclination towards social interactions and meaningful connections. She thrives in collaborative environments where she can exchange ideas, engage in discussions, and learn from others. She values different individuals' perspectives and experiences, enriching her intellectual growth.

Adaptive Learning Style

Listelle's ENFP-T nature is marked by flexibility and adaptability in her learning style. She can easily adapt to new environments, absorb information from various sources, and adjust her approach based on the situation at hand. This versatility allows her to embrace different learning methods and adapt to changing circumstances.

Morality & Philosophy

Angelism as a Moral Compass

Listelle's faith in Angelism serves as a significant moral compass for her. The teachings and principles of the eight angels provide a foundation for her ethical framework. She finds guidance and inspiration from their virtues, such as duty, loyalty, peace, justice, and honour. Angelism shapes her understanding of right and wrong and influences her choices and actions.

A Balance between Progress and Tradition

Listelle's magical science and theory education has instilled in her a belief in progress and change. She values the pursuit of knowledge, scientific advancements, and innovation. However, she also understands the importance of preserving tradition and maintaining a balance between progress and the wisdom of the past. She seeks to harmonise modern thinking with the timeless values upheld by her society.

Empathy and Compassion

Listelle's personal experiences, including the loss of her mother and witnessing the effects of war and social injustice, have cultivated a deep sense of empathy and compassion within her. She strives to understand the struggles of others and is driven to impact the lives of those around her positively. Listelle believes in extending empathy and kindness, particularly towards marginalised and oppressed communities.

Responsibility and Leadership

As a princess and a Magi, Listelle embraces her responsibility to lead and serve her people. She sees leadership as an opportunity to make a meaningful difference in the lives of her subjects. Listelle believes that true leadership requires humility, integrity, and a commitment to the well-being of the entire realm. She is mindful of the impact of her decisions and seeks to promote the common good.

Seeking Knowledge and Truth

Listelle's education has fostered a deep appreciation for intellectual pursuits and a thirst for knowledge. She values critical thinking, intellectual exploration, and the pursuit of truth. Listelle recognises that knowledge is a powerful tool for positive change and empowering individuals and societies. She encourages intellectual curiosity and believes in the importance of lifelong learning.

Striving for Harmony and Unity

Listelle's experiences have highlighted the consequences of division and conflict. She aspires to foster harmony and unity among her people, promoting dialogue, understanding, and reconciliation. Listelle believes that a more harmonious and inclusive society can be achieved by embracing diversity and celebrating the strengths of different individuals and communities.


One taboo for Princess Listelle would be openly expressing criticism or dissent towards The Reconstruction, the system that enslaved those living in poverty and the Ananan ethnic minority group. While Listelle respects The Reconstruction as a solution to social and economic issues, openly questioning or challenging its implementation could be seen as disrespectful towards the ruling class and the established social order. As a princess, Listelle is expected to uphold and support the decisions made by the ruling elite, including The Reconstruction, regardless of any personal reservations or concerns she may have.


Additionally, Listelle would consider it taboo to openly express sympathy or support for the Ananan people or any form of advocacy for their rights. Due to the history of suspicion and hostility towards the Ananans, openly sympathizing with them could be perceived as betraying the interests of the ruling class and the broader society. Listelle's personal experiences, including her mother's assassination, may have reinforced her lack of trust and heightened her aversion towards the Ananan community.


Furthermore, Listelle would find it taboo to engage in relationships or friendships with individuals of lower social status, especially those from the enslaved class. The hierarchical structure of the society in which she lives imposes strict boundaries and expectations regarding social interactions. As a princess, she is expected to maintain a certain distance and formality when interacting with those beneath her in the social hierarchy.


Overall, Listelle's taboos revolve around challenging the established social order, expressing sympathy for marginalized groups, and engaging in relationships outside of her social status. These taboos are deeply rooted in the societal expectations imposed on her as a princess and the existing power dynamics that shape her world.

Personality Characteristics


Listelle's motivation is fueled by a deep sense of responsibility and a genuine desire to improve the lives of her people. As a compassionate leader, she feels a strong connection to her kingdom and its inhabitants, which drives her to seek their well-being and happiness. Her love for learning and intellectual curiosity also motivates her, as she constantly seeks to expand her knowledge and use her magical abilities to make a positive impact. Listelle's motivation is rooted in her genuine care for others and commitment to being a conscientious and influential ruler.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Savvies of Listelle
  • Magical Aptitude: Listelle possesses exceptional magical abilities, particularly in controlling and manipulating electrical currents. She is skilled in using her magical talents for various purposes.
  • Intellectual Acumen: Listelle has a natural affinity for learning and acquiring knowledge. She excels in her studies, especially in the field of magical science and theory, and has a deep understanding of the subjects she explores.
  • Leadership and Diplomacy: Listelle demonstrates strong leadership qualities and is adept at navigating political and social dynamics. She possesses the ability to inspire and rally people together, fostering cooperation and unity.
Ineptitudes of Listelle
  • Physical Combat: While Listelle possesses magical abilities, her prowess in physical combat may be limited. She may need more training and experience in traditional martial arts or self-defence techniques.
  • Impatience: Listelle's passion for progress and desire to make a difference may sometimes lead to impatience. She may need help with long, drawn-out processes or situations that require a more gradual approach.
  • Self-Doubt: Despite her numerous accomplishments, Listelle may occasionally experience self-doubt, questioning her own abilities and the weight of her responsibilities. This internal struggle may create moments of insecurity or hesitation.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes of Listelle
  • Books and Knowledge: Listelle is an avid reader and deeply appreciates books and knowledge. She enjoys exploring various subjects and expanding her understanding of the world.
  • Magic and its Applications: Listelle genuinely loves magic and finds joy in discovering new ways to use her magical abilities. She appreciates the artistry and creativity that comes with harnessing magical forces.
  • Intellectual Conversations: Listelle enjoys engaging in thoughtful discussions and exchanging ideas with others. She appreciates intellectual stimulation and values conversations that challenge her perspectives and broaden her horizons.
Dislikes of Listelle
  • Injustice and Oppression: Listelle has a strong aversion to any form of injustice or oppression. She is deeply troubled by societal inequalities and strives to use her position and influence to create a fairer and more equitable world.
  • Close-Mindedness: Listelle dislikes closed-mindedness and prejudice. She believes in the power of understanding and empathy and finds it difficult to tolerate individuals who refuse to consider different viewpoints or embrace diversity.
  • Abuse of Power: Listelle has a strong sense of responsibility and despises those who misuse their power or authority for personal gain. She is committed to upholding integrity and justice and stands against corruption or abuse of power.

Virtues & Personality perks

Virtues of Listelle
  • Compassion: Listelle possesses a deep sense of empathy and compassion towards others. She genuinely cares about the well-being and happiness of those around her and is always willing to extend a helping hand.
  • Wisdom: Listelle is known for her wisdom and sound judgment. She has a strong ability to analyze situations, consider various perspectives, and make informed decisions based on her knowledge and understanding.
  • Leadership: Listelle exhibits strong leadership qualities. She inspires others through her actions and words and can unite people towards a common goal. Her leadership is characterized by fairness, inclusivity, and a genuine concern for the welfare of her subjects.
Perks of Listelle
  • Magical Abilities: Listelle's proficiency in magic is a significant perk. Her control over electrical currents and her ability to manipulate various elements give her unique advantages and opportunities.
  • Intellectual Prowess: Listelle's academic achievements and extensive knowledge in magical science and theory are valuable perks. Her intellectual prowess allows her to approach problems and challenges with innovative solutions and a deep understanding of the underlying principles.
  • Charismatic Presence: Listelle possesses a natural charisma that draws people towards her. Her engaging personality, combined with her genuine interest in others, makes her a captivating presence and allows her to establish meaningful connections and influence those around her.

Vices & Personality flaws

Vices of Listelle

  • Perfectionism: Listelle tends to strive for perfection in everything she does. While this drive for excellence can be a positive trait, it can also lead to excessive self-criticism, an unrealistic pursuit of flawlessness, and a fear of failure.
  • Impulsiveness: Listelle can sometimes act on her emotions without considering the consequences. This impulsive nature can lead to hasty decisions or actions that may not align with her long-term goals or the well-being of others.
  • Stubbornness: Listelle can be quite stubborn, holding onto her opinions and beliefs without easily considering alternative perspectives. This inflexibility can create challenges in collaboration and hinder her ability to find common ground with others.
  • Distrust: Due to her past traumas, Listelle finds it difficult to trust others fully. She may have a guarded nature and be hesitant to open up or rely on others, limiting the depth of her relationships and potentially isolating her.
  • Self-criticism: Listelle can be overly critical of herself, setting high, sometimes unattainable standards. This self-criticism can erode her self-confidence and lead to feelings of inadequacy, impacting her overall well-being and relationships.
  • Overthinking: Listelle overanalyses situations and excessively dwells on thoughts and worries. This can lead to indecisiveness and a lack of action, as she becomes trapped in a cycle of overthinking and second-guessing herself.
  • Emotional sensitivity: Listelle's empathetic and compassionate nature makes her highly attuned to the emotions of others, but it can also make her more susceptible to emotional fluctuations and vulnerability. She may sometimes struggle to regulate her emotions effectively, leading to moments of emotional instability or overwhelm.

Flaws of Listelle

  • Trust Issues: Listelle's past experiences have left her with deep-seated trust issues, making it difficult for her to trust others fully. This can create barriers in forming close relationships and can hinder her ability to rely on others for support.
  • Idealistic Nature: Listelle is idealistic, always striving for a perfect world and holding high expectations for herself and others. While this can be inspiring, it can also lead to disappointment when reality falls short of her ideals.
  • Difficulty Setting Boundaries: Listelle tends to put others' needs before her own, often sacrificing her well-being. She struggles with setting clear boundaries and asserting herself, leading to feeling overwhelmed or exploited.
  • Impulsiveness: Listelle can sometimes act on her emotions without considering the consequences. This impulsiveness may cause her to make hasty decisions or take risks without fully evaluating the potential outcomes.
  • Self-Doubt: Despite her many accomplishments, Listelle often experiences self-doubt and struggles with confidence in her abilities. She may question her worthiness and constantly need to prove herself to others.
  • Difficulty Handling Criticism: Listelle is sensitive to criticism, often taking it to heart and internalizing it deeply. This can make it challenging for her to accept constructive feedback or view criticism as an opportunity for growth.
  • Tendency to Overwork: Listelle's strong sense of responsibility and dedication to her role as a princess can lead to a tendency to overwork herself. She may push herself to the point of exhaustion, neglecting her self-care and well-being.

Personality Quirks

  • Hair Tucking: When Listelle is deep in thought or anxious, she habitually tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. It's a subconscious gesture that comforts her and helps her focus.
  • Bookish Fidgeting: When engaged in a conversation or sitting still for an extended period, Listelle tends to fidget with a small object, like a pen or a bookmark. It's a way for her to channel her restless energy and maintain a sense of stimulation.
  • Curiosity Questions: Listelle is known for her insatiable curiosity and love for learning. She often interrupts conversations with thought-provoking questions, eager to delve deeper into a topic or understand different perspectives. This inquisitive nature can sometimes come across as impulsive or intrusive.
  • Thoughtful Hand Gestures: Listelle often accompanies her words with expressive hand gestures when expressing her ideas or emphasising a point. Her hands move gracefully and purposefully, adding a visual element to her communication style.
  • Sighs of Contemplation: When faced with a complex problem or decision, Listelle has a habit of sighing softly as she gathers her thoughts. It's a momentary pause for reflection, allowing her to organise her ideas and find clarity before taking action.
  • Meticulous Note-Taking: Listelle is a diligent note-taker and always keeps a small notebook with her. Whether jotting down important ideas, intriguing observations, or sketches, she values capturing and preserving her thoughts.
  • Knuckle Cracking: Listelle unconsciously cracks her knuckles to release tension in moments of stress or anticipation. It's a habit she developed during her intense study sessions and serves as a brief physical outlet for her nervous energy.
  • Slight Lip Biting: When Listelle is deep in thought or faced with a challenging situation, she tends to bite her lower lip gently. It's a reflexive action that helps her concentrate and shows her inner contemplation.
  • Head Tilting: Listelle has a habit of tilting her head slightly to the side when she's listening intently or trying to understand someone's perspective. It's a nonverbal cue demonstrating her genuine interest and openness to different viewpoints.
  • Genuine Laughter: Listelle's laughter is infectious and often accompanied by a genuine sparkle in her eyes. She finds joy in simple moments and has a knack for lightening the mood with warmth and lightheartedness.


  • Daily Baths: Listelle starts her day with a refreshing bath using aromatic oils and luxurious soaps. She values this time as an opportunity to relax, rejuvenate, and cleanse her body and mind.
  • Skin Care Regime: Listelle is diligent about her skincare routine. She cleanses her face twice daily, applying toner, moisturizer, and sunscreen to protect her skin from the sun's harmful rays. She also indulges in weekly facials and face masks to maintain a radiant, healthy complexion.
  • Hair Care: Listelle takes pride in her luscious locks and ensures they receive proper care. She washes her hair regularly with nourishing shampoos and conditioners and occasionally treats herself to deep conditioning treatments or hair masks to keep her hair soft, shiny, and manageable.
  • Nail Care: Listelle keeps her nails well-groomed and neatly manicured. She takes the time to trim and shape them regularly and occasionally treats herself to professional manicures for special occasions. She ensures her nails are always clean, polished, and presentable.
  • Exercise and Fitness: Listelle recognizes the importance of physical fitness and incorporates regular exercise into her routine. Whether practising yoga, running, or engaging in strength training, she maintains an active lifestyle to keep her body strong, flexible, and energized.
  • Balanced Diet: Listelle believes in the saying, "You are what you eat," and pays careful attention to her diet. She consumes a balanced and nutritious meal plan, focusing on fresh fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. She also indulges in moderation, allowing herself occasional treats to maintain a healthy relationship with food.
  • Adequate Rest: Listelle understands the significance of proper rest and ensures she sleeps well each night. She prioritizes her sleep schedule, aiming for seven to eight hours of uninterrupted rest to rejuvenate her body and mind.


Contacts & Relations

Princess Galaday is Listelle's younger sister, known for her rebellious and carefree nature. Despite their contrasting personalities, Listelle feels a deep sense of responsibility towards Galaday and often tries to guide and protect her, even as Galaday's choices and behaviour continue to challenge their relationship.


Terys III is Listelle's father and the reigning King of Favont. Their relationship is distant and strained, lacking the warmth and emotional connection that a father-daughter bond should possess. Listelle often feels disappointed and longs for a closer relationship with her father, but their differing priorities and circumstances have created a divide.


Amadeus Thwite is Listelle's teacher and mentor at school. He has become a prominent male figure in her life, serving as a guiding presence and source of inspiration. Amadeus has played a crucial role in shaping Listelle's abilities and nurturing her intellectual growth through his guidance and expertise in magical studies.


Coral Rose is one of Listelle's closest friends and confidantes. As an actress, she brings joy and entertainment to Listelle's life, offering a welcome respite from the demands of her royal responsibilities. Despite Coral's occasional forgetfulness when she's away, their bond remains strong, and Listelle values her friendship dearly.


Pearl Lightly is Listelle's PR representative and a dedicated and loyal friend. She provides valuable guidance and support to Listelle, ensuring her public image aligns with her true values and intentions. Listelle greatly appreciates Pearl's unwavering commitment and trustworthiness in personal and professional matters.


Thadius is Listelle's uncle who often finds himself at the centre of scandalous news due to his indulgent lifestyle and reckless behaviour. Despite his embarrassing reputation, Listelle maintains a strained familial connection with him, trying her best to navigate their relationship while upholding the expectations of her position as a princess.


Rhaisin Chisely, Duke of Radnage, is a dignified and knowledgeable individual who had once sought Listelle's guidance in Magical Science and Theory. In return, he now serves as her mentor, sharing his expertise and wisdom to guide her in courtly life and etiquette matters.


Silver Rycard, Duke of Asbeet, is a courteous individual who has been in a romantic relationship with Princess Listelle for three years. However, unbeknownst to Listelle, Silver's heart belongs to someone else, and his unrequited love for another strains their relationship.


Lady Vivienne Ashbourne is a nonchalant and fashion-forward lady of noble birth. Lady Vivienne serves as one of Listelle's ladies in waiting. She sees the position as a means to enhance her social status rather than actively fulfilling her duties.


Lady Amelia Hawthorne was initially enthusiastic about her role as a lady in waiting. NowLady Amelia has gradually become disenchanted and disinterested in her responsibilities. She often seeks distractions from her duties, indulging in social engagements and personal pursuits.


Lord Maximillian Blackwood is a charismatic and savvy businessman. Lord Maximillian specializes in advising Listelle on matters concerning Selebor's petrochemical industry. He also provides valuable insights and guidance on various business opportunities that come their way.


Lady Arabella Montrose has a keen eye for investments and business ventures. Lady Arabella brings her expertise to Listelle's business endeavours. She offers astute advice and strategic recommendations, ensuring Listelle's financial interests are well-managed.


Father Sebastian Caldwell is a trusted confidante in matters of faith. Father Sebastian provides spiritual guidance and support to Listelle. His wisdom and understanding help her navigate the complexities of her royal responsibilities while staying true to her beliefs.


Guildmaster Cedric Silverbrook is a renowned as a master jeweller. Guildmaster Cedric creates exquisite and unique pieces of jewellery. His craftsmanship and attention to detail align perfectly with Listelle's appreciation for beauty and luxury.


Guildmaster Lawrence Ironsides is a visionary fashion designer. Guildmaster Lawrence showcases his creativity and artistic flair through his cutting-edge designs. Listelle seeks his expertise in style and fashion, valuing his unique perspective on couture.


Guildmistress Isabella Nightshade is the Guildmistress of the Guild of Alchemists. Isabella is a highly skilled practitioner of alchemical arts. Her extensive knowledge in potion-making and magical concoctions makes her an invaluable resource for Listelle's magical studies.


Charity Representative Alexander Whitestone is an advocate for animal rights and conservation. Alexander Whitestone represents the Wild Nature Alliance. Listelle resonates with its mission to protect and preserve endangered species and their habitats.


Charity Representative Cassandra Riversong advocates education and empowerment. Alexander represents the Enlightened Minds charity. His commitment to providing educational opportunities for underprivileged youth resonates with Listelle's belief in the transformative power of knowledge.


Charity Representative Seraphina Evergreen is an animal healer representing the Animal Healing Trust. Her deep connection with animals and her holistic approach to their well-being align with Listelle's passion for animal welfare.


Gabriel Sinclair is a visionary painter known for his evocative and enchanting artworks. Gabriel Sinclair captures the essence of magical beauty in his masterpieces. His paintings often inspire Listelle and ignite her imagination.


Serena Stormrider is a skilled and charismatic athlete. Serena Stormrider is a renowned archer whose precision and grace captivate audiences. Listelle admires Serena's dedication, discipline, and exceptional marksmanship.


Damien Swiftarrow is a skilled equestrian. Damien Swiftarrow demonstrates remarkable horsemanship and agility in his competitive endeavours. Listelle admires his dedication and the bond he shares with his equine partners.


Sophia Lancaster is a versatile performer with a penchant for storytelling through dance and music. Sophia Lancaster excels in ballet and contemporary dance. Listelle finds solace and inspiration in Sophia's emotive performances.


Melody Evergreen is a gifted harpist with a voice that enchants. Melody Evergreen is a musician whose melodies can transport Listelle to another world. Her ethereal music resonates deeply with Listelle's love for the arts.


Doctor Alistair Ravenscroft is a brilliant scholar and researcher in Magical Science and Theory. Dr. Alistair Ravenscroft shares Listelle's passion for unravelling the mysteries of magic. They often engage in intellectual discussions, exchange ideas, and push the boundaries of their understanding.


Doctor Elara Nightshade has a sharp intellect and a deep knowledge of magical theory. Dr. Elara Nightshade is a fellow researcher who collaborates with Listelle to pursue magical knowledge. Their shared curiosity and relentless pursuit of truth foster a strong connection.

Family Ties

Religious Views

Listelle holds a deep respect for the faith of Angelism, which plays a significant role in the social and political aspects of Favont. While she recognises the importance of the church and its involvement in people's lives, her religious views are complex and nuanced. She values the teachings of the eight angels and finds solace in their principles of war, wisdom, peace, justice, construction, dissidence, family, and the arts. However, Listelle questions certain dogmas and interpretations, seeking her understanding and connection with spirituality.


She questions the church's rigid hierarchy and power structures, advocating for a more inclusive and egalitarian approach. She also challenges the notion of absolute loyalty and obedience, believing that individuals should be free to question and explore their spiritual paths. Listelle questions the church's involvement in political matters, seeking a balance between faith and governance.

Social Aptitude

Listelle's exceptional social aptitudes contribute to her ability to connect with people from various backgrounds. She is naturally empathetic and genuinely interested in understanding others, allowing her to form meaningful and authentic connections. Listelle is adept at active listening, making individuals feel heard and valued while displaying emotional intelligence that enables her to navigate social situations gracefully and sensitively. Her diplomatic nature and ability to communicate effectively contribute to her leadership skills and the ease with which she builds rapport and fosters positive relationships with those around her.


Listelle carries herself with an air of elegance and grace, displaying refined mannerisms that reflect her upbringing as a princess. She has a poised and regal presence, always mindful of her surroundings and the impression she gives to others. Listelle's gestures are measured and deliberate, conveying a sense of confidence and composure. She often uses a warm and engaging smile to put others at ease and create a welcoming atmosphere. Additionally, Listelle speaks eloquently and with thoughtful pauses, choosing her words carefully to convey her ideas effectively.

Hobbies & Pets

  • Reading and Learning: Listelle deeply loves knowledge and enjoys immersing herself in books on various subjects, from history and philosophy to magical arts and sciences. She finds great pleasure in expanding her intellectual horizons through reading.
  • Music: Listelle has a keen appreciation for music and enjoys playing musical instruments, particularly the piano. She finds solace and creative expression in the melodies and harmonies, often using music to relax and unwind.
  • Artistic Pursuits: Listelle has a creative side and enjoys engaging in artistic activities such as painting, sketching, and calligraphy. She finds joy in expressing herself visually and exploring different art forms for personal expression.
  • Horseback Riding: Listelle finds joy and freedom in horseback riding. She enjoys the connection with the majestic animals and the exhilaration of riding through open fields or along serene trails.
  • Gardening: Listelle finds solace in nature and enjoys tending to her garden. She takes pleasure in nurturing plants and creating beautiful and serene outdoor spaces where she can relax and connect with the natural world.


  • Tone of Voice: Listelle's tone of voice is typically calm, measured, and authoritative, reflecting her role as a leader. She possesses a gentle and soothing voice that carries a sense of empathy and understanding.
  • Pitch: Listelle's pitch tends to be moderate, neither too high nor too low. Her voice has a natural melodic quality, lending a pleasant and engaging quality to her speech.
  • Accent and Dialect: Listelle speaks with a refined accent befitting her noble background. Her pronunciation is clear and precise, and she carefully articulates her words. She might have a slight accent influenced by the region she hails from.
  • Impediments: Listelle does not have any notable speech impediments. Her speech is clear and fluid, displaying her excellent command of language.
  • Catchphrases: Listelle may have a few catchphrases that reflect her values and beliefs, such as "In unity, we find strength" or "With knowledge comes power and responsibility."
  • Common Phrases: Listelle's speech often includes polite and formal phrases, demonstrating her respect and courtesy towards others. She might frequently use expressions such as "Please accept my gratitude," "I appreciate your insight," or "Your presence is an honour."
  • Compliments: Listelle is skilled at delivering heartfelt compliments, praising others for their accomplishments, intelligence, or noble qualities. Her compliments are sincere and well-thought-out, often inspiring and uplifting.
  • Insults: Listelle, diplomatic and compassionate, avoids using direct insults or hurtful language. Instead, she might express disapproval or disagreement diplomatically, focusing on constructive dialogue rather than personal attacks.
  • Greetings: Listelle greets others with warmth and grace, using formal greetings appropriate for the occasion. Examples include "Greetings, esteemed guests" or "I bid you a pleasant day."
  • Farewell: Listelle bids farewell with elegance and warmth, using phrases like "Farewell, may our paths cross again" or "Until we meet again, may fortune smile upon you."
  • Swearing: Listelle refrains from using profanity or vulgar language. She maintains a dignified and respectful speech, even in moments of frustration or anger.
  • Metaphors: Listelle occasionally employs metaphors to convey complex ideas or emotions. She may use metaphors drawn from nature or literature to add depth and richness to her speech, making it more evocative and memorable.

Overall, Listelle's speech reflects her noble upbringing, intelligence, and diplomatic nature. Her words carry weight and convey a sense of wisdom, compassion, and leadership.



slave (Important)

Towards Listelle




mistress (Important)

Towards Magan




Hannan and Listelle's relationship began with initial hesitations and uncertainties on Listelle's part due to her previous encounters with individuals of Ananan descent. However, Hannan was determined to demonstrate his loyalty and trustworthiness, committing himself wholeheartedly to his duties and showing unwavering dedication. Over time, he earned Listelle's trust through his diligence, attentiveness, and protective instincts, which deepened their bond. Their connection transcended societal expectations and evolved into a romantic relationship, solidifying their profound and unbreakable bond.

Wealth & Financial state

  • Wealth and Class: Listelle belongs to the upper echelons of society, enjoying high wealth and social status. As a princess and duchess, she has access to privileges, luxury, and resources unavailable to most of the population.
  • Dependencies and Debts: Listelle's financial situation is relatively stable, and she is not heavily dependent on external sources of income. However, as a member of the royal family, she has obligations to support certain institutions or contribute to the kingdom's welfare through taxes or donations.
  • Funds and Disposable Income: Listelle has access to considerable funds, both from her wealth and the kingdom's resources. This provides her with a comfortable disposable income, allowing her to pursue her interests, maintain her lifestyle, and invest in various ventures.
  • Assets and Investments: As the Duchess of Selebor, Listelle likely has ownership or partial ownership of various assets within the city, including properties, land, and potentially shares in petrochemical refineries. Additionally, she may possess a diverse investment portfolio, ranging from real estate and businesses to stocks and bonds, aimed at preserving and growing her wealth.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Princess Of Favont
  • Mistress of Ithrail
  • Duchess of Selebor
  • Year of Birth
    919 TS 29 Years old
    Current Residence
    Belmonte House
    Dark blonde, long and wavy
    Quotes & Catchphrases
  • Together, we can shape a brighter future
  • Known Languages
  • Ancient Perenx
  • a non-spoken language
  • Marwornese
  • Niphanese
  • Character Prototype
  • Compassionate and intellectually-driven leader
  • Embodies the traits of a benevolent ruler
  • Deeply connected to her people and their well-being
  • Strives to make a positive impact on her kingdom
  • Combines exceptional magical abilities with extensive knowledge
  • A wise and respected figure
  • Driven by a love for learning and personal growth
  • Upholds her responsibilities with determination
  • Principled and influential protagonist