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“Beorn indeed became a great chief afterwards in those regions and ruled a wide land between the mountains and the wood...”

The Lands of the Bear

The region along the upper portion of the river Anduin was once home to many men, but their number dwindled as the years passed. Only recently the land around the Carrock, a stony river-island, has started to see men returning to watch the Old Ford and the road to the High Pass through the Misty Mountains. Though few in numbers, they rapidly demonstrated to trespassers that only those who are welcomed by Beorn the skin-changer can hope to cross the Great River with their lives. And Beorn does not welcome anybody with ease...   When Beorn broke his long isolation, he became a leader of men. His legendary ferocity attracted mountain-hunters and fighters without allegiance, warriors who lost their families or who forsook their clans due to their violent tempers, and needful souls drawn to his protective nature. In time, all kinds of individuals flocked to his side, giving rise to the Beornings.   Faithful to the teachings and will of their chieftain, they protect the mountain passes and the road that leaves the forest to cross the river Anduin, watching for every creature, on two legs or four, that dares defy them. Men, Elves and Dwarves still have to earn the trust of this suspicious folk, and often must pay heavy tolls for safe passage across the Beornings’ domain.


Beornings are rugged men with brawny arms and legs, and lively women with undaunted eyes. Their spirit is reflected in their appearance: the women have long, wild hair and the men unkempt beards. Born free, they pay no tribute nor bow to any crown, keeping at peace the strip of land they have chosen as their own. All foes of the Beornings are mortal foes, but friends who prove to be trustworthy are friends for life.

Standard of Living

The Beornings sustain themselves by breeding cattle and horses and keeping hives of great bees. Recently, Beorn is considering requesting a safe-passage toll from all travellers crossing their lands. For the moment, though, the Beorning culture ranks as Martial.   Bonus Equipment: A brightly coloured travelling cloak, travelling gear for the current season, a backpack or saddlebags, a belt dagger, boots, 3d6 silver pennies, plus choose any one: a fine woollen blanket, an ancient dagger made from bear claws, a necklace of orc-teeth, a bundle of tasty honey-cakes.

Beorning Traits

Your Player-hero has certain traits deriving from your Beorning ancestry.  
  • Ability Score Increase – Your Strength score increases by 1 and you may increase two additional ability scores by 1.
  • Adventuring Age – 16-30. Beornings don’t usually become adventurers before their 16th year of age, and rarely continue beyond their forties, when they retire to serve their family and folk.
  • Size – Most Beornings are fairly stocky and often stand 6 feet tall or more. Your size is Medium.
  • Speed – Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
  • Angry – You have proficiency in the Intimidation skill.
  • Starting Virtue – You gain one Beorning Cultural Virtue of your choice.
  • Languages – You can speak the Vale of Anduin Tongue – an archaic version of the Common Speech, closely related to Dalish.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Clan
Alternative Names
The Men of the Bear
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities

Beorning Names

  The Northmen inhabiting the Vales of the Anduin River speak the same language and share a common vocabulary of personal names. The Beornings and the Woodmen favour different names, but they are set apart especially by their peculiar use of bynames and nicknames. The Beornings are gradually embracing the custom of choosing names honouring their renowned chieftain, either by having a B as the first letter or containing the word for Bear (for example, Balderic, Beranald, Beormud). They further individualise their names by adding a byname, referring to their provenances or occupations, or physical or temperamental qualities (Arnulf the Old, Berangar the Eloquent). Bynames are often bestowed by an event, especially if connected to a special feat of skill or deed of renown.   Male Names: Adalard, Ageric, Agilfrid, Agiulf, Alaric, Alberic, Amalric, Amand, Andagis, Atalaric, Atanagild, Ansegisel, Ansovald, Aregisel, Arnulf, Audovald, Avagis, Badegisel, Baldac, Balderic, Barald, Beorn, Beran, Beranald, Berangar, Bertefried, Beormud, Cilderic, Eberulf, Eboric, Ebregisel, Ebrimuth, Ediulf, Ermanaric, Euric, Eutaric, Evermud, Evoric, Frideger, Gararic, Garivald, Geberic, Gisalric, Gerold, Grimald, Grimbald, Grimbeorn, Grimfast, Gundovald, Hartgard, Hartmut, Hartnid, Hathus, Heriwulf, Hildebald, Imnachar, Ingelram, Ingund, Iwald, Iwgar, Leudast, Magneric, Malaric, Maracar, Merovech, Munderic, Odo, Odovacar, Otbert, Ragnacar, Ramnulf, Rathar, Reginar, Ricfried, Rigunth, Roderic, Sigeric, Sigibert, Sunnegisil, Theodard, Theodebert, Theodemir, Theodwin, Theudebald, Theuderic, Thorismund, Walcaud, Waleran,Widuven, Willicar, Wulferd.     Female Names: Adosinda, Amalfrida, Amalina, Avagisa, Avina, Beranhild, Brunihild, Gailavira, Garsendis, Geleswinta, Gelvira, Grimhild, Hermesind, Heva, Hilduara, Radegund.     Bynames: from or of a specific place (Baldac from the High Pass, Beran of the Mountains), the Bald, the Black, the Bold, the Captain, the Cloaked, the Crooked, the Eloquent, the Foresighted, the Good, the Good-sword, the Loyal, the Old, the Pugnacious, the Quick-witted, the Quiet, the Red, of the Red-shield, the Rich, the Runner, the Sad, the Sharp, the Smith, the Thin, the Trouble-maker, the Wise, the Young.

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