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Mountain Hall

This is the main settlement of the Woodmen and Dwarves on the west side of the Great River. It is hidden in a narrow valley east of the Misty Mountains, where a turbulent stream runs amid steep walls of rock and around grassy knolls and pine-covered hills. The village itself is located where the river loops around an area of grassland set against the stony shoulder of the mountains. It is not protected by a stockade or hedge, as the watercourse has been widened and deepened, making the village accessible only by a dirt road cut along the stream where it passes the nearest to the rock face.   Many villagers work in mines dug into the mountains to the west, searching in the recesses of the earth for metals prized by all inhabitants of the vales of the Great River: copper, tin and iron. It is a dangerous trade, as many creatures lurk in the dark under the mountains, waiting patiently for the unwary.   The town is accessible only by a narrow bridge that arches of the fast-flowing river that cuts through the Mountain Side. The Woodmen have fortified this river over the years by placing sharpened stones along the west bank to further dissuade trespassers. At the centre of the town lies the Great House, this high-ceilinged building is the heart of the settlement. It has walls of timber and is kept warm by three huge fire-pits. One fire is kept burning at all times of the year, and the Woodmen believe that if this fire ever goes out, doom will befall their hall.   Rising high above the town is the tall tower known as "The Burg." This tall tower was raised by a great chieftain of the Mountain Folk. His daughter, said to be the most beautiful maiden ever sen in the Wilderland, cast herself from the top of the tower when her lover was slain in battle. Her body was never found, but legend claims that a party of remorseless dwarves found her and placed her drowned, half-dead body in a crystal coffin, where she sleeps until her lover returns from beyond the land of the dead.   The town also has a bustling trading post where furriers, hunters and farmers barter for the work of the forges and the mines that can be found at the back of the town. There are many mines dotted around the town with entrances up the gorge and even further over the mountains.

New Fellowship Phase Undertaking: Hunting Grim Hawks

The Éafolc often hunt Grim Hawks. The flesh of the carrion eaters is diseased and foul, but if their numbers grow too large, they become dangerous to all denizens of the Vales of Anduin, especially the River-folk.   Companions spending their Fellowship phase at Mountain Hall or nearby may contribute to the well-being of the Great River Vales by choosing this undertaking to go hunting with the River-folk. Make five attack rolls (using a weapon of your choice) against AC 13. If you achieve more successes than failures, you have aided in the hunt and are recognised as an Éafolc-friend . Heroes with this title do not have a holding, but can ask favours of any member of the Éafolc, for example to be granted passage on a boat across the river or along it.   But the benevolence of the River-folk is a fleeting thing: if a year passes, or the title’s benefits are used often in the same Adventuring phase (more than twice), the gratitude of the Éafolc must be earned again, for example by returning to hunt the Grim Hawks.
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