Global Timeline

  • 2746 TA

    Thorin Oakenshield born
    Life, Birth

    Thorin is born to Thrain II in Erebor. He is the brother of Frerin and Dis.

  • 2758 TA

    2759 TA

    The Long Winter
    Geological / environmental event

    A harsh winter presages attacks on Gondor by Umbar, the invasion of Rohan by Easterlings and Dunlendings, as well as an invasion by Orcs and Wolves of the Shire.

  • 2759 TA

    Saruman takes residence in Orthanc
    Political event

    Saruman is given the keys to Orthanc by the King of Gondor in exchange for its safekeeping.

  • 2770 TA

    Dale Destroyed
    Disaster / Destruction

    Smaug takes over Erebor and destroys the town of Dale.

  • 2790 TA

    Death of Thror
    Life, Death

    Slain by Azog, Thror is killed at the gates of Moria and the Dwarves prepare for war.

  • 2793 TA

    2799 TA

    War of Dwarves and Orcs
    Military action

    The 7 Houses of the Dwarves unite against the Orcs of the Misty Mountains in vengeance against the death of Thror. Tens of thousands are killed on both sides.

  • 2799 TA

    29 Aug
    2799 TA

    1 Sep

    Battle of Nanduhirion
    Military action

    The culminating battle in the War of Dwarves and Orcs, resulting in the deaths of Azog, Nain and Fundin. The Misty Mountains are largely depopulated of Orcs.

  • 2800 TA

    Orcs Invade Rohan
    Military action

    Two years after Brytta takes the sceptre in Rohan, the country is invaded by hordes of Orcs.

  • 2802 TA

    Thrain II and Thorin Oakenshield come to the Blue Mountains
    Construction beginning/end

    With Erebor abandoned, Thrain and his son Thorin establish a small colony in exile in the far West of the Ered Luin.

  • 2841 TA

    Thrain II sets out for Erebor

    Thrain II, tired of a life in exile, sets out to possibly reclaim his ancestral home of Erebor.

  • 2845 TA


    Ring of Durin Lost
    Cultural event

    The Ring of Durin, one of the Seven, is rumored to have been lost when Thrain is captured by the Necromancer of Dol Guldur.

  • 2848 TA


    Gerontius Took becomes Thain
    Life, Milestone

    Gerontius, also known as the Old Took, becomes Thain. He held the title for over 70 years, had 12 children, and died at the age of 130. He was a friend of Gandalf.

  • 2852 TA

    Death of the White Tree of Gondor
    Disaster / Destruction

    Scion of Telperion of old, the White Tree of Gondor perishes and it is thought the line of the Kings is now broken.

  • 2879 TA

    Birth of Gimli
    Life, Birth

    Gimli, son of Gloin born in Thorin's Halls in the Blue Mountains.

  • 2890 TA

    22 Sep

    Birth of Bilbo Baggins
    Life, Birth

    Bilbo Baggins born to Bungo Baggins and Belladonna Took.

  • 2911 TA

    2911 TA


    The Fell Winter
    Geological / environmental event

    One of the harshest winters known precedes an invasion of Eriador by Wolves.

  • 2912 TA


    Tharbad Deserted
    Plague / Epidemic

    Tharbad is largely abandoned after severe floods in Minhiriath and Enedwaith.

  • 2941 TA

    29 Apr

    Moria Refounded
    Construction beginning/end

    Balin establishes an initial colony in Moria, in the Chamber of Mazarbul.

  • 2941 TA

    22 Jul

    Sauron Removed from Dol Guldur
    Military action

    Dol Guldur attacked and pits laid bare by the White Council; Sauron escapes to Mordor.

  • 2941 TA

    10 Sep

    Smaug the Golden killed
    Military action

    Smaug killed by Bard the Bowman.

  • 2944 TA

    Dale Rebuilt
    Construction beginning/end

    Dale rebuilt with King Bard as the leader. Commerce begins to flourish between Elves, Men and Dwarves.

  • 2945 TA


    Trade Route from Bree to Woodland Hall explored

    The Merchant's Guild explores the creation of a trade route linking West and East.

    Additional timelines
  • 2945 TA

    13 Oct

    Gorlanc's Fort Destroyed
    Military action

    With a force of Elves, a party attacks and destroys Gorlanc's forces south of Rivendell. Gorlanc escapes.

    Additional timelines
  • 2945 TA

    20 Oct

    Beornings seal their Borders
    Civil action

    The Beornings close their borders in response to escalating tensions between the Woodmen and the Dwarves. All commerce between Eriador and Wilderland is effectively closed.

    Additional timelines
  • 2948 TA

    Theoden born
    Life, Birth

    Theoden, son of Thengel and Morwen, is born in Gondor.