Bree to Woodland Hall Campaign

A timeline for the Pipeweed to Woodland Hall campaign.

  • 2945 TA


    Trade Route from Bree to Woodland Hall explored

    The Merchant's Guild explores the creation of a trade route linking West and East.

    Additional timelines
  • 2945 TA

    8 Sep

    Job Offered in Bree

    The party is offered work to scout a pipe-weed trade route from Bree to Woodland Hall.

  • 2945 TA

    10 Sep

    Race to the Forsaken Inn
    Sporting Event / Competition

    The party races against another caravan to win the job. Other caravan leader crashes and is injured; the party saves him and wins the contract.

  • 2945 TA

    12 Sep

    Death of Tarry Mack
    Life, Death

    Tarry Mack, also known as Mallor, is discovered dead at the bottom of a well, the day before he was supposed to guide the party through Eriador.

  • 2945 TA

    18 Sep

    Attack by a Cold Shade

    While traveling and investigating to find who killed Mallor, the party is attacked by a Cold Shade just before the Last Bridge.

  • 2945 TA

    2 Oct

    Confession of Berelas
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Berelas heals Edoric, leader of the other caravan, who was near death. She reveals her past and her ownership of a Magic Ring. Hirlinon disappears.

  • 2945 TA

    3 Oct

    Ambush by Hirlinon
    Military action

    Hirlinon and a band of Men ambush the party at a narrows in the road. Hirlinon is killed and the party continues, escorted by some Elves, into Rivendell.

  • 2945 TA

    10 Oct

    Refuge in Rivendell
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The party rests in Rivendell. The Ring of the Seven Jewels is unmade and the Cold Shade destroyed. The party joins with the Elves to assault Gorlanc's fort.

  • 2945 TA

    13 Oct

    Gorlanc's Fort Destroyed
    Military action

    With a force of Elves, a party attacks and destroys Gorlanc's forces south of Rivendell. Gorlanc escapes.

    Additional timelines
  • 2945 TA

    20 Oct

    Dwarf found in Mountain Pass

    The party discovers the body of a recently killed Dwarf of Moria, apparently killed by a band of Woodmen.

    Mountain Pass
  • 2945 TA

    20 Oct

    Beornings seal their Borders
    Civil action

    The Beornings close their borders in response to escalating tensions between the Woodmen and the Dwarves. All commerce between Eriador and Wilderland is effectively closed.

    Additional timelines
  • 2945 TA

    23 Oct

    Arrival in Mountain Hall

    The party meets Theodemir and is escorted to Mountain Hall . They are ambushed while in the Mines and discover evidence the killing in the Mountain Pass may have been staged.

    Mountain Hall