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Manwë Súlimo

Manwë (Q."The Blessed One") was highest and greatest of the Valar, and in turn the King of Arda as the viceroy of Eru Iluvatar himself, God and Creator of everything visible and invisible. Of old, older than any mind among the peoples of Men could tell, he led the Benign Choir in the Ainulindalë, and thus guided the shaping of Eru's vision for a tangible universe. With the manifestation of this vision in physical form, he guided his strongest companions among the Ainur against Melkor his brother, who sought to conquer and dominate the vision of his fellow entities, and when victory against the Corrupter was achieved, Manwë was appointed as King of the Valar, and of all the realm of Arda, on behalf of Eru. This role he maintains unto the latest ages, and he remains the highest authority in the world under Menel. Noble and proud, kind and gentle, strong and wise, he is the Lord of Winds and of the Breath of Arda, husband to Elbereth, and Lieutenant of Eru Iluvatar.

Manwë was the Ainu dearest to Eru, closest to his mind, and appointed his viceregent on Earth. He was king, lord of Arda, and ruler of everything that dwells therein. His spouse is Varda, and they are seldom parted. His attributes are air and the winds, from the Veil of Arda to the small breezes. He also commands the birds. From the beginning, Ulmo has been his closest friend and ally. They come together when the vapors of the water become clouds high in the air. The two most faithfully served the purpose of Eru.   He lived in his halls atop Mount Taniquetil, the highest mountain of the world. Together with Varda he could see farther than all other eyes. All things that flew in the light were his servants and brought him news from the farthest and deepest places of the world; save dark places in the deep that were Ulmo's domain or those hid by the black thought of powerful evil.   As the vicegerent of Eru on Earth, Manwë was a kind, compassionate ruler, unconcerned with his own power. Manwë dressed in blue robes and had blue eyes. He wielded a scepter of sapphire made for him by the Noldor. The Vanyar were his favorite Elves, and they lived with him and Varda on Mount Oiolosse, and he delighted in their songs and poetry.   As every finite creature must have some weakness, Manwë's inherent fault was to become engrossed in amendment, healing, re-ordering — even ‘keeping the status quo’ — to the loss of all creative power and even to weakness in dealing with difficult and perilous situations. This applied to Manwë's dealings with Melkor, which were partly out of sheer fear of him, and partly out of desire to control him.  


  Manwë is the King of the Valar ,closer to Eru than any spirit and appointed his viceregent of Arda.Only his brother Morgoth and his spouse Elbereth rival his strength. No being stands above him in the pantheon of life. Manwë and Elbereth share an enduring love that knows no limits, one which survives the jealousy of Morgoth. Their bond lends each additional power, and together they are far stronger than the sum of their separate talents. When Manwë sits beside Varda in Ilmarin, he sees anything in Arda above the surface of the land or water simply by parting the clouds. As Sulimo, the "Breather", Manwë is master of the skies and controls the air and weather over Arda. His breath governs the winds, his vision clears the mists, and his anger spawns the storms that pound the earth.His other brother Ulmo is his his closest friend and ally, they come together when the vapors of the water become clouds high in the air. With Elbereth, he determines the course of the light that crosses the sky. As King of Valinor, Manwë serves as the ultimate leader of the Council of the Valar and presides over ad the deliberations in the Ring of Doom. He is the leader, counselor, teacher, and overseer of his people and, along with his wife Elbereth, is the patron of the Vanyar who live on the slopes between his Halls and the fair city of Valimar.   Manwë's chief flaw is tied to his unwavering belief in Eru's thought. As a result of his proximity to the One, the King of the Valar does not understand the nature of and motivations behind Evil. Thus, he never comprehended the danger inherent in the Black Enemy, not did he realize the gravity of Sauron's machinations. Elbereth, however, acted as his counselor in many such matters, as did Ulmo; and ultimately Manwë's wardship bore fruit.  


  • Adûnakhôr (Adûnaic "Lord of the West")
  • Amân (Adûnaic "Blessed One")
  • Aran Einior (Sindarin "Eldest King")
  • The Elder King
  • High King of Arda
  • Koyômo or Kûtamâyi (Utter South)
  • Kuor (Easterlings)
  • Lord of the Breath of Arda
  • Mambaug or Lord of the Winds (Dorwinion)
  • Nâdi-Manyê (Haradwaith)
  • The Shining Hionvâr of the West, the Eagle-King (Farthest East)
Súlimo (Quenya "Breather")

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Manwë's Fana is that of a wise, white-haired and old being, of Man-shape maybe, or maybe of an ancient Elf, with clear fair skin and sky-blue eyes. Robed in rich blue and crowned with the arched crown-helm of Arda, after Elvish fashion, his spear of saphire Vandl Manwëva in hand, he represents the epitome of a noble King; and yet the power of his spirit and the potency of his countenance is beyond that of any monarch, mortal or immortal, and palpable by his very glance; for his eyes shine as pure white stars, granting his mere gaze a sacred glow.   But his profile in Eruhin fashion is but a variant of his many divine forms. For as he wills, Manwë can take many forms; at times, he may shift to the shape of a great Eagle, utterly white in feather and greater than anything living that may fly. Even in Man-form, Manwë may grant himself wings as of a great Eagle, so that he may soar above his realm and yet maintain his kingly dignity, as a lord of many lands gliding above his realm through divine gift. At other times, he may take the form of a great gust of wind, guided with intelligent skill, and in this form he may tour every mile and every inch of his realm and observe its many functions, and ruin even the cruelest of enemies.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In the thought of Ilúvatar, Manwë was the brother of Melkor, but dearest to Ilúvatar and the one that best understood the will of Eru. hen Melkor created the discord in the second Song of the Ainur, Manwë took over leading the song, pondering about airs and winds.   Manwë along with Aulë and Ulmo were the chief architects of Arda, and when it was formed, he denied to surrender it to Melkor. Many spirits, like Varda, came to his side from the deeps of Ea.   He did not understand evil, even in the form of his own brother. He released Melkor from Mandos, thus allowing him to cause the distrust of Fëanor, the Poisoning of the Two Trees, the murder of Finwë, the theft of the Silmarils, and the revolt of the Noldor.   To hearten the Eldar, he had Aulë fashion the Sun and the Moon, for he knew the rising of the Atani was coming soon, and sent Thorondor and the Great Eagles to watch them.   After Morgoth's fall, Manwë cast him into the Void. In the Final Battle, when Melkor escapes, it is said that the Elder King and the Dark Lord will battle on the Plains of Valinor, but that they will not slay each other.


Contacts & Relations

The Manwënduri
  The Manwënduri (Q."Servants of Manwë") or Manwëndili (Q."Children of Manwë") originally were certain families who served the Vala Manwë and were believed to stand in direct contact with him and receive his messages and instructions.Most of these original Manwënduri were of Vanyarin descend. Among men, at first the Númenóreans, later their descendants and disciples, the term came to designate special groups of Anustari dedicated to Manwë's special adherence, also known as "Sky-mystics".They were known to withdraw to wide plains or reclusive high mountains to watch the Menel, the clouds and the flight of birds, especially the Great Eagles.


Manwë Súlimo


Towards Morgoth Melkor


Morgoth Melkor


Towards Manwë Súlimo


Manwë Súlimo


Towards Eru Ilúvatar


Eru Ilúvatar


Towards Manwë Súlimo


Manwë Súlimo


Towards Varda Elentári


Varda Elentári


Towards Manwë Súlimo


Morgoth Melkor (Brother)


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