Amdír of the Greenwood Character in Middle-Earth: Arda, Endor | World Anvil
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Amdír of the Greenwood

Amdír, also called Malgalad, was the father of Amroth and the first-known Lord of Lórien of Sindarin descent. Peace and obscurity in his realm lasted until the Downfall of Númenor and the subsequent return of Sauron to Middle-earth. Though he answered the call of Gil-galad to the War of the Last Alliance, he was not disposed to serve under the High King of the Noldor. Instead, he led a small force of Galadhrim and joined forces with the greater army of Silvan Elves under King Oropher, the Sindarin-lord of the Woodland Realm. Ill-equipped compared to the Noldor and highly independent, the Silvan Elves suffered heavy losses in the Battle of Dagorlad. It was there that Amdír and more than half his army nearly perished, being cut off from the main host and driven into the Dead Marshes wherein a force lead by Isildur routed and protected the Sindar. He now rests in Lorien with his son Oreglas under the protection of Lady Galadriel.


Amdír of the Greenwood


Towards Oreglas of Lorien


Oreglas of Lorien


Towards Amdír of the Greenwood



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