Barrow Downs Geographic Location in Middle-Earth: Arda, Endor | World Anvil
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Barrow Downs

The Barrow-downs were first inhabited by Men related to the Edain in the First Age, together with the Hills of Evendim to the north. They fled east as Easterlings invaded Eriador and passed on to Beleriand, but after these had left or been killed in the War of Wrath the Edain returned to their old homes.   During the Second Age they were fairly numerous, and when they met with the Númenóreans the Barrow-downs were the first places where the Dúnedain émigrés from Númenor settled.[3] When Elendil returned to Middle-earth, the Barrow-downs were incorporated into the kingdom of Arnor. The Downs were revered because of the Great Barrows by the Arnorians, and buried their lords and Kings there.   After the split of Arnor in T.A. 861 the Barrow-downs became the capital of Cardolan. After Rhudaur fell to Angmar in 1409, the Dúnedain of Cardolan entrenched themselves here, but eventually the realm fell. Around T.A. 1236 the Witch-king sent the Barrow-wights that haunted the hills, preventing any resettlement; after Arthedain once again claimed the kingship over all of Arnor the Dúnedain tried to recolonize Cardolan, but this failed because of the Barrow-wights.
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