House Noirins Organization in Middle-Earth: Arda, Endor | World Anvil
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House Noirins

The Noirinanyar Lands were one of the six great western principalities of old Arthedain. House Noirinanya (W. "Noirins") ruled most of the lands of the southwestern Evendim Hills, bordering the Blue march and the Northern March. The position of Canotar, or Commander, of the Dagarim Noirin is held by Narathiel's heir and eldest grandson, Erhuan, a somewhat dull fellow who spends most of his days on the northern frontier hunting Orcs. He disdains family and national politics; nor does he attend either his grandmother's or the royal court. However, his sense of duty is strong; if a crisis strikes House Noirin or endangers the kingdom, he shows a will of iron coupled with terrifying energy. Others of the Noirin family hold administrative positions under the crown and lesser ranks in the army. Two march in the Royal Guard; they monitor the monarch's policy and court intrigue for Narathiel. Narathiel's granddaughter, Mirien, is lady-in-waiting to the Queen, and she passes discrete messages between the two women.
Controlled Territories

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