Bree Settlement in Middle-Earth: Arda, Endor | World Anvil
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Bree (W. "Brill") In the Second Age Bree-hill had originally been a semi-permanent camp-site and market-place of the tribe known as the Bregion (Br."Hill-Sons") known as "Athref Bregion". With the founding of Númenórean colonies and later the Kingdom of Arnor, Athref Bregion developed into a village and later small town and became finally known as "Tûr-Bre","Brehyll", "Brill" and later "Bree". Bree is the largest town in Bree-land, a region of Arthedain that is peaceful, agricultural, and largely autonomous. The town is built around a large hill and is protected by a formidable dike surmounted by a thick hedge. Numerous smials or Hobbit-holes can be found in the flanks of Bree-hill. Both Men and Hobbits live in Bree, making it one of the few locations in Middle-earth where cooperation between folk of different races occurs. Due to it's central location, Bree witnesses many strange folk passing through it's streets, and the town is a perfect place to acquire or sell information.


Inhabitants: 45% Hobbit, 50% Bree-men, 5% Dúnadan.
Founding Date
1750 S.A.
Large town
Location under
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Owning Organization

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