Círdan Nówë Character in Middle-Earth: Arda, Endor | World Anvil
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Círdan Nówë

The Shipwright Ciryatan

Círdan was one of the highest and most noble of the Sindar, lord of the Falas during the First Age, and Master of the Grey Havens through the Second, Third, and Fourth Age. He was one of the wisest and most foresighted of the Elves, and by the Second Age, one of the oldest known Elves in Middle-earth, to remain so throughout that age and into the Fourth Age as well. He was also gifted Narya, one of the Three Rings, by Celebrimbor until he surrendered it to Gandalf. As the Lord of the Havens, he oversaw the departure of the Elves of Middle-earth to the West and eventually sought the Last Ship with his kin Celeborn.
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