Glorfindel Laurefindelë Character in Middle-Earth: Arda, Endor | World Anvil
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Glorfindel Laurefindelë

Lord of the House of the Golden Flower Laurifindl, Kulufindl,

Glorfindel was one of the mightiest Elves of Middle-earth. During the First Age, he was the lord of the House of the Golden Flower of Gondolin, and died fighting a Balrog. After his re-embodiment, he was allowed to come back to Middle-earth in the Second Age, acting as an emissary of the Valar, on a similar mission to the Istari who were to come several years later.Glorfindel was of the house of Finwe and lord of the House of the Golden Flower.He departed the Undying Lands with his brethren, though somewhat reluctantly, fought valiantly against Morgoth. A valiant captain of the guard in Gondolin, Glorfindel escaped the sack of that city and aided in Tuor, Idril, and their child's flight. The party was attacked by an evil force led by a Balrog, however. Glorfindel engaged the demon in single combat while the others escaped. Both the Elf-lord and the Balrog fell to their deaths.Brought before Námo in Mandos Glorfindel chose to be reembodied instead of reincarnation into a new Hroa and was sent back to Middle-Earth to support the Istari in their struggle against Sauron. Returned to Endor Glorfindel eventually offered his service to Elrond and rose to the chief of the Guardians of Rivendell. He led a force in the Last Alliance of Men and Elves, as well as commanding a host of Noldor under King Oromendero during the Angmar Wars.
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
510 Y.T
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Golden White
The Valar
Aligned Organization
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