House of Finwë Organization in Middle-Earth: Arda, Endor | World Anvil
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House of Finwë

The House of Finwë was a large Noldorin royal house founded by Finwë, King of the Noldor. Its device was that of a great golden sun, even though Finwë was slain before the Sun was made. The House of Finwë had three main branches, one for each of Finwë's sons: the House of Fëanor, the House of Fingolfin and the House of Finarfin. Finwë had two wives. His first was Míriel, who passed away soon after bearing their only child, Fëanor. His second wife was Indis, of the Vanyar, who bore him two sons: Fingolfin and Finarfin, and two daughters: Findis and Írimë.   Finwe (Q."Skillful Man") was the first High King of the Noldor and one of the four who led the Eldar on the Great Journey from Middle-earth to Aman in the beginning (the others were Ingwe, Olwe, and Elwe). He married the Noldo lady Miriel, and she bore his first son Feanor and then died. After long grief, Finwe married Indis of the Vanyar, and she gave him two sons: Fingolfin and Finarfin. Feanor opposed his father's second marriage, and there was strife because of it for many years; yet Finwe loved Feanor more than any other of his kin. When Feanor was banished and went to his fortress Formenos, Finwe himself accompanied the exile. So it was that when Morgoth stole the Silmarils from Feanor's armory, Finwe was slain by Morgoth defending the home and treasury of his son. Even though Finwe was untouched by the shame that was to come upon his house in years ahead, he perished for the same cause as two of his sons: Feanor and Fingolfin. Like them he was slain by Morgoth for the Silmarils.
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