Lady Elentiriel of Rhudaur Character in Middle-Earth: Arda, Endor | World Anvil
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Lady Elentiriel of Rhudaur

The Lost

Mother of Glorannon and Friend of Lord Amrothar The Lady Elentiriel wanders Rhudaur aiding the people, quelling the hillmen, and building new villages. Since the plague and reorganization of the council she has since joined the service of Lord Amrothar, attempting to restore the honor of the Lords of Rhudaur. This much the Hillmen know: Elentiriel is a woman of Cardolan taken captive by the Targ-Arm Broddha in the sack of Andrath in T.A. 1639. When no family offered to ransom her, he appropriated the lady as servant and mistress. His own wife died a year ago; Elentiriel has wetnursed his son since that day and captured the Targ-Arm's devotion. If Broddha does win a kingdom, it will be for Elentiriel and thier son Glorranon. The truth, if generally known, would destroy both Broggha and Elentiriel. The former chiefs wife is, in fact, a Dúnadan of noble blood and the Lindëamil (S.' Song-mother") of the religious order known as the Arumbarlië. (In translation, "Courtiers of Judgment.") The order dedicated to maintaining the Royal Barrows of the Tyrn Gorthad and performing the ceremonies traditional to the tombs had its primary house in Arnach. Elentiriel hid her identity from her captors; she knew her bankrupt order had no resources to free her and feared the superstitious Hillmen might execute her as a black sorceress. Her strength of will enabled the captive woman to survive the horrible winter trek from Arnach across En Eredoriath to Rhudaur. Tragically, Broddha was so impressed by Elentiriel's courage and stamina that he took her as a prize of the campaign, instead of selling her to the Dunmen around Cameth Brin. In the winter steadings of the Hillmen, all chance of escape was lost, and Elentiriel's spirit almost broke. The fantastic plan conjured up by the Song-mother to maintain her sanity has as its goal nothing less than the conversion of the Hillmen to the Dúnadan cause. Amazingly, she managed to complete the first steps: learning to speak thier language, winning the trust of the clan-folk through her healing skills, and civilizing Brodda and thier son. Now, an incredible stroke of fate has given her a means to further her plan. Elentiriel has given Dúnadan blood to the Hillmen, and it is blood that she believes will foster alliance between the once split realms.


Broddha Laureanoyar

Estranged Husband

Towards Lady Elentiriel of Rhudaur


Lady Elentiriel of Rhudaur

Estranged Wife

Towards Broddha Laureanoyar


Broddha Laureanoyar (Estranged Husband)

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