Legolas of the Woodland Realm Character in Middle-Earth: Arda, Endor | World Anvil
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Legolas of the Woodland Realm

He was one of the House of the Tree, a scout under Galdor. Because of his keen eyes and knowledge of the mountainous area, he was chosen by the escapees of the Fall of Gondolin to be in front and guide them across the Cristhorn. The name Legolas is a Silvan dialect form of pure Sindarin Laegolas, which means "Greenleaf". At one point he is called "Legolas Greenleaf" by Gandalf, coupling his name and its translation like an epithet. Legolas showed almost irrepressible cheerfulness throughout the journey, without hesitation or complaint. As has been said, little is known about his life before or during the Third Age, restricted to the few things he himself has said on the matter. Legolas was a Sinda Elf, the prince of the Woodland Realm of Mirkwood. His grandfather Oropher was of the Sindar of Doriath, and his father Thranduil was king of Mirkwood (Greenwood the Great). His exact date of birth is not known, nor are his earliest exploits, but his most important recorded role is that which he played in the War of the Ring, during which he was the Elven representative in the Fellowship of the Ring. His Elven giftings, such as superior sight and hearing, lightness of foot, and skilled archery, were valuable assets to his eight companions.


Prince Thranduil of the Greenwood


Towards Legolas of the Woodland Realm


Legolas of the Woodland Realm


Towards Prince Thranduil of the Greenwood



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