Lord Aurgondil Forro Character in Middle-Earth: Arda, Endor | World Anvil
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Lord Aurgondil Forro

Great Lord of Arthedain

Aurgondil inherited his high position after the death of his grandfather in the Great Plague has seen both the sands of Far Harad and the waves of the Bay of Forochel; he offers a reward for anyone who can bring him the horn of a a mumakil or sea-drake tooth. A deadly, if unorthodox spearwielder, he dislikes war and policies; his wife and grandson, both of whom spend time at Fornost, inform him of court gossip. He holds a skewed view of events in the capital, since gossip and reality are never the same thing. Tall and lean, tending towards a fit, if weathered, middle age, Aurgondi is the least formal of the Great Lords of Arthedain; his informality and distracted, cynical demeanor make him unpopular with the nobility. However, the Lord Foro's hooded eyes have seen much of the world in the last eighty years; fools and knaves go near him at their peril; those who threaten his family or his people find him as patriotic as any stiff-necked royal knight and not nearly as gullible.   Pirlothiel Forro, his wife, manages the interests of House Forro in Fornost; she is an astute, if somewhat vapid, court politician. Three of their sons oversee mercantile ventures for the family, while six nephews serve in the Royal Army, continuing the Forro tradition of service to the crown. Aldarion, his grandson, is a Herald of the Court at age fourteen politician after his grandmothers heart. He talks a bit too freely, however, and two scions of House Tarma present at the court have numernous times attempted to duel the young man, when hie reaches maturity a great many challenges hall be notched in the colluseum.


Lord Aurgondil Forro


Towards Ergondil Forro


Ergondil Forro


Towards Lord Aurgondil Forro



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