Lothlórien Settlement in Middle-Earth: Arda, Endor | World Anvil
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Fairest and most mysterious of the Elven realms in Middle-earth was the idyllic forest-realm of Lothlórien (S. “Lórien Blossom” or “Dream-flower”). Ruled by Celeborn and Galadriel after the destruction of Eregion, Lórien was a haven to all Elves who sought relief from the strife of Men, Dwarves, and the races of Darkness.   The Elves themselves live high above the forest floor on platforms known to Men as Flets. Family ties are not particularly strong among the immortal Elves, but they maintain a strong sense of community with one another. Elven society is remarkably egalitarian. Though Nimrodel, the love of Lórien’s King Amroth, was but a Silvan Elf, her lesser birth did not hamper her status in any way. The court of Amroth is startlingly informal. Any Elf or Elf-friend permitted within the forest of Lórien may speak freely before the King, whether to plead a suit or merely to be heard. Amroth uses this atmosphere of freedom to encourage the creation of the most beautiful songs, poems, and works of art known in Endor. More mundane crafts also have a home in Lórien. Wonderfully fine goods of silk and linen are among the items produced in specialized glades. Lórien is also the source of lembas, the nutritious and lightweight wafers associated with Elven travelers. Unfortunately, the Elves of Lórien do not sell their goods. Only friends and allies of Lórien may take Elven goods out of this realm, and never in bulk or with an eye for resale.
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