Morgamir Angûlion Character in Middle-Earth: Arda, Endor | World Anvil
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Morgamir Angûlion

Ice-Blade of the Iron Crown, Tazinain, First of the King's Men, Lieutenant of Carn Dûm

The Morgamir Angûlion is the most powerful servent in the service of the The Witch-King. He gave his fealty to Sauron during the Second Age, at the same time as his cousin Akhôrahil, who later became one of the Ringwraiths (The Wraith fought by the Fellowship in the Barrows). Morgamir is a sorcerer, utterly evil and completely loyal to Sauron and the Witch-king. His great power confers on him a high degree of immunity to the spell of dread which the Úlair cast over mortal Men, and his long association with them has artificially lengthened his life span a thousand fold. He has served Sauron in many capacities over the centuries. The Angûlion is a master of persuasion, and his silver tongue has won the Dark Lord many friends and allies. At times, he works as Sauron's assassin, using his magic to murder the Necromancer's enemies. Capable of greater independent thought than eight of the Nazgûl, the Angûlion's intelligence, experience, and deviousness have produced many evil schemes carried out on Sauron's behalf. The Angûlion played a major role in the corruption and downfall of Rhudaur. All of the Angûlion's attention is currently focused on the destruction of Arthedain, although he longs to crush Lindon and Rivendell in revenge for Angmar's defeat in T.A. 1409. Much of his energy is devoted to planning the slow, deadly campaign against the Dúnedain. He holds the Mor-sereg in perpetual readiness to strike at the king of Arthedain, awaiting only the command of the Witchking.
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Date of Birth
1888 S.A.
Long Shaggy White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Blue Translucent
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